Working overnight shift... Advice?

I work from 10pm until 6am. I'm having a hard time figuring out when to eat and workout. I'm never hungry at work but when I'm getting ready to go to bed I feel like starving. Any advice?


  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    I worked 11p-7a the first couple months of my weight loss..overnights sucks in general, so I feel your pain. I did, and still do, practice intermittent fasting.
    Basically, I'd eat when I woke up in the afternoon from 4p-9p ish, and then wouldn't eat during my shift, but I did drink a ton of water. By time 7 or 8am came around I was too sleepy to feel very hungry so I just went to bed.
    I hope this helps you to some extent, best wishes!

  • merdi1193
    merdi1193 Posts: 9 Member
    How often do you fast?