1200 Calorie People... How do you do it and stick with it?

Hi everyone.

I know 1200 calories is quite low for some people. However, I have found that the ONLY way I can lose weight is to cut my calories down to 1200. I also exercise daily. I have tried upping to 1400, 1600 and 1700 for periods of time but they have just not given me results.

That being said, I also find sticking to 1200 calories difficult sometimes! Some people on here really do stick with there 1200 calorie allotment even with exercise.

Are there any tips? What is the best to eat? How much do you exercise?



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    For me, 1200 calories can be a meal but most of the people I know who eat low calories eat a ton of veggies and low calorie snacks.
  • ritabook58
    ritabook58 Posts: 6 Member
    Protein, protein, protein. If I include Detour or Pure Protein bar for breakfast, chicken and vegetable for lunch, a skinny steamer (milk) for a snack or a Crystal Farms light string cheese, I am able to reel in my hunger. Although I love carbs and include them in my diet as well, they leave me stranded with respect to hunger.
  • Fallon0413
    Fallon0413 Posts: 8 Member
    Before my wedding I was on a 1200 calorie diet. It was difficult, but I started to run a lot. That really helps burn calories. If you exercise every day, sticking to 1200 isn't too terribly hard. You just have to have discipline. Also, cutting out processed food is a HUGE help. Eat lots a veggies and if you have a juicer, USE IT! :) Have small, healthy snacks throughout the day and if you can stomach it, eat mostly fish. Pork is also an excellent protein choice. Also, if you do go over a bit, don't sweat it... 1200 is a bit low. Hope this helps a little.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    For me, 1200 calories can be a meal but most of the people I know who eat low calories eat a ton of veggies and low calorie snacks.

    haha THIS. If I really wanted to eat low cal, it would be fruits and veggies all day. 3 oz of lean meat per serving, not so many nuts and nut butters, egg whites only, and fat free errythang.

    Keep the activity light so you don't pass out.
  • Nina1007
    Nina1007 Posts: 150
    My base is my BMR. Like 1270 or something. Because I'm a stay at home mom and only 5' tall. But I exercise everyday, burning about 300 calories. And I eat my calories back, allowing me almost 1600 calories/ day. And I have been losing over a lb/week. That est. 1600 calories keeps me totally satisfied. Oh and upping my protein goal I think has helped me too.
  • lattarulol
    lattarulol Posts: 123 Member
    I am up higher in calroes now, but I did do 1200 cals for about 6 weeks or so back in March. I found the best way to stick to it was to find low calorie recipies that had lots of veggies and proteins. The protein really does make you feel fuller longer. Breakfast was often egg white omelets or greek yogurt with a lower calorie fruit like strawberries or blueberries. I would often have a slice of 50 cal bread too. For lunch, salads with lower calorie dressing and chicken or tuna for protein were good. Or wraps with high fiber/low card tortillas. For dinner I ate a lot of chicken cutlets, turkey cutlets, and shrimp. Lots and lots of steamed veggies, and just a little carb (1/2 of some sort of grain - brown rice, couscous, etc). For snacks I would have one veggie snack (carrots, bell peppers, carrots, etc) and a fruit (apple or orange).

    The number one key to sticking to 1200 calories and being happy about it - portion size!!! Weigh and measure your food and stick to an actual serving of food. If you are still hungry, get more vegetables!
  • eautrey124
    eautrey124 Posts: 60 Member
    I work out 5-6 times a week, and have a 1200 cal allotment, but I probably eat about 1600-1700 depending on my workouts. I eat a lot of whole foods, but I follow an 80/20 rule and allow myself to splurge occasionally, but I keep my net calorie intake at about 1200, sometimes less if I had a really big workout that day and couldn't eat enough. Honestly, with more veggies and whole foods, you get to eat so much more food every day than when you eat junk. Add me and you can check out my diary.
  • latinpr
    latinpr Posts: 33 Member
    Replace Rice and Pasta with veggies and candy and cookie with fruits and protein bars and low cal yogurt or a welch's fruit snack here and there you'd be surprised how easy 1,200 calories really is.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    When you HAVE to do it, it's much harder. When you don't, it's easier. I am allowed to eat way more than I do but I barely break 1,200 on most days when I don't focus on food. On Saturday I ate no solid foods despite 2 hours of cardio and lifting for about 25 mins. Not very healthy but didn't have an appetite. To me it's all mental. When you deprive yourself you will want it more. When you don't, you want it less.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I eat lots of protein and relatively low carb. It fills me up and I have no trouble staying at or below 1200.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    I forgot to add, I don't eat anything after I leave work most days.
  • JessicaMcguigan123
    JessicaMcguigan123 Posts: 52 Member
    Breakfast, a banana or a cereal bar about 9am, lunch at 1pm might be tuna salad, seasoned rice with salad, or pasta. Then dinner at 6.30/7pm might be Chicken and veg, a healthy curry or whatever i fancy really! i usually have enough left for pudding or a sweet treat in the evening. I don't snack, and i don't feel i need to. If i do need a snack i will have snackajacks rice cakes or a piece of fruit.

    oh and forgot to mention, my key is portion size. i eat slowly and stop when i am full
  • mjsunshine16
    mjsunshine16 Posts: 251 Member
    Little to no processed food
    Eating lots of small portions throughout the day

    I am not perfect and had my difficulties, but have recently gotten back on track. I am eating a lot and staying at 1200. Dedication is key.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    Cut down on white carbs and eat protein and fibre. Less calories, more satiety.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You're supposed to eat back most of your exercise calories...I would imagine that "doing it right" would help.
  • sdpeklo
    sdpeklo Posts: 82
    Green Tea ...hot or cold in between meals helps. Also it took....takes awhile to work through those times of hunger. It helps me to focus on calorie dense foods high in nutrients and some fat. Nuts....lean meat....fish.....quinoa......extra virgin olive oil. Look up different eating plans .....not sure if you exercise but short bursts of intense cardio vs long steady state cardio has helped curb the hunger. Working out smarter not longer... Hope some of these suggestions help. : ) I focus on eating for nutrition. Took me awhile to tap into that mindset but 30 lbs less of me....that focus has worked.
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm at 1,260 and NET that almost every day. I do however burn at least 500 cals daily, with a combo of cardio, weight traning, circuit training, Pilates and just plain old walking. I've been at this calorie count for a little over 3 months and have lost 19 pounds. I eat lots of fruits & veggies/lean protein and never really feel deprived or hungry. I snack, have dessert on occasion, and even have a burger now and then. But again, I am very active and gross closer to 1800 or 1900 a day.

    I've never been able to get to this weight any other way. It works for me, I'm very healthy and not starving myself as some people say. The key is making the right food choices and doing some physical activity every day, even it it's just walking.

    You're welcome to add me, my diary is open to friends only.
  • gracetillman
    gracetillman Posts: 190 Member
    I eat more than 1200 calories a day, but only so I could have more crunchy (whole wheat crackers or organic tortilla chips) or sweet things (think berries and whipped cream) when I want them. If I had to stay at or under 1200 I would avoid empty food that is high in sugar and/or other simple carbs with nothing to keep you full long term. I find protein and high fiber foods to be the most filling and help me stay on track. I love eating tons of veggies and fruit!!
  • Hi There: I increase my exercise. 1200 cal. are much harder for me on weekends. I want to relax and eat what I want. Yet I am becoming more aware of what I'm eating. I have an exercise bike in my living room-if it were downstairs it would be collecting dust. I do what I can!!
    Good Luck!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I plan out my day in advance and stick with it. Usually have a ton of protein.