Supplements for runners



  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    The blood of your enemies...

    You can't drive your enemies before you if you've already bled them... logistics.

    You bleed some. You crush some. You drive some before you. You listen to the lamentations of their women.


    This one gets it.
  • gdyment
    gdyment Posts: 299 Member
    edited October 2015
    Eating properly is hard for me :( That is why I started using MFP but I always end up eating my weight in food in the middle of the night lol I try to run every day 10-15 km but I am very slow (my best time in 5k is 23:19 and my first marathon this year was 3:54:00).

    You should know exactly how much you're running (70 to 105km/week would be pretty good) but probably not every day/same distance.

    It's also really hard to hold race weight the entire year. You go up on off-season, drop in base/pre-season then do your training cycles. And eat the garbage after the runs not in the middle of the night.

    Edit: as to original question there are no supplements other than maybe calcium + vit D. I take omega-3 because allergic to fish.
  • KaterinaDokuzova94
    KaterinaDokuzova94 Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you guys for the good info :) I just bought magnesium and I think I will buy also calcium + vit D and increase the milage.And what do you think about Ashwagandha Extract, L-carnitine and Beta-Alanine. If I take those and increase my milage is it possible to decrese my marathone time with 20 min ( my goal is 3:30 ) by next year ?
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    More running.
    Unless you have a medical deficiency why take supplements that you can get it REAL food?
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Thank you guys for the good info :) I just bought magnesium and I think I will buy also calcium + vit D and increase the milage.And what do you think about Ashwagandha Extract, L-carnitine and Beta-Alanine. If I take those and increase my milage is it possible to decrese my marathone time with 20 min ( my goal is 3:30 ) by next year ?

    Are we reading the same thread?
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Thank you guys for the good info :) I just bought magnesium and I think I will buy also calcium + vit D and increase the milage.And what do you think about Ashwagandha Extract, L-carnitine and Beta-Alanine. If I take those and increase my milage is it possible to decrese my marathone time with 20 min ( my goal is 3:30 ) by next year ?

    The only dietary supplements that will be beneficial are the ones that supply something you are lacking. The only way to know what you are lacking is with blood testing. Anything else is money down the toilet.

    The way to run faster is to - - - run faster. Do more base miles and throw in lots of intervals/fartlek. It is a balancing act though, over training will actually make you slower.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Thank you guys for the good info :) I just bought magnesium and I think I will buy also calcium + vit D and increase the milage.And what do you think about Ashwagandha Extract, L-carnitine and Beta-Alanine. If I take those and increase my milage is it possible to decrese my marathone time with 20 min ( my goal is 3:30 ) by next year ?

    Are we reading the same thread?

    Are there hidden replies?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Thank you guys for the good info :) I just bought magnesium and I think I will buy also calcium + vit D and increase the milage.And what do you think about Ashwagandha Extract, L-carnitine and Beta-Alanine. If I take those and increase my milage is it possible to decrese my marathone time with 20 min ( my goal is 3:30 ) by next year ?

    Training is what you need to decrease your pace by 20 minutes. Not supplements.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Bananas are a great "supplement" to have after a hard run. Gels are great to use when you are running for a long time (have one about every hour). Multi-vitamins if you want a safety net. Fish oil (same thing - safety net). Pretty much everything else is voodoo. If you believe in such nonsense then there's nothing anyone can tell you to change your mind. Feel free to wast your money. Just keep in mind that some voodoo can be dangerous and actually make you sick/slower/see aliens. YMMV.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    ..... is it possible to decrese my marathone time with 20 min ( my goal is 3:30 ) by next year ?

    Forget wasting your money on supplements and buy some coaching.

    You've claimed between 70 and 100km/week, so you've got a solid basis to have more structure behind your training.
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    Their is no pill that will provide you speed or endurance. I gained speed and endurance as I lost weight. Their is a point of diminishing returns so keep your diet and weight healthy. I do take a multi-vitamin at times to ensure I have enough of my micronutrients but I'm skeptical of the need to. Also, if you are running at the times you claim to, you are well on your way. A first marathon under four hours is very respectable!!
  • KaterinaDokuzova94
    KaterinaDokuzova94 Posts: 83 Member
    Ok so I will not buy them, thank you :)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Ok so I will not buy them, thank you :)

    Smart Girl :) It sounds to me like you have already established a good aerobic base. If I were you, I would check out the Long Distance Runners group. There are lots of VERY experienced runners over there who give tons of great advice on how to improve your race times. Since joining that I group, I have seen drastic improvements in my race times, from 5K to marathon. Good Luck!!
  • KaterinaDokuzova94
    KaterinaDokuzova94 Posts: 83 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Ok so I will not buy them, thank you :)

    Smart Girl :) It sounds to me like you have already established a good aerobic base. If I were you, I would check out the Long Distance Runners group. There are lots of VERY experienced runners over there who give tons of great advice on how to improve your race times. Since joining that I group, I have seen drastic improvements in my race times, from 5K to marathon. Good Luck!!

    Thank you :) Actually I have a lot of friends who run but I just wanted more opinions.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Thank you guys for the good info :) I just bought magnesium and I think I will buy also calcium + vit D and increase the milage.And what do you think about Ashwagandha Extract, L-carnitine and Beta-Alanine. If I take those and increase my milage is it possible to decrese my marathone time with 20 min ( my goal is 3:30 ) by next year ?

    Absolutely! You may even break 3:15 with that combination of supplements.

  • earth_echo
    earth_echo Posts: 133 Member
    You should probably research L-carnitine before you start taking it. I take it to SUPPRESS my thyroid. If you don't tend toward hyperthyroid, it could make you hypothyroid. Just fyi....
  • KaterinaDokuzova94
    KaterinaDokuzova94 Posts: 83 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Thank you guys for the good info :) I just bought magnesium and I think I will buy also calcium + vit D and increase the milage.And what do you think about Ashwagandha Extract, L-carnitine and Beta-Alanine. If I take those and increase my milage is it possible to decrese my marathone time with 20 min ( my goal is 3:30 ) by next year ?

    Absolutely! You may even break 3:15 with that combination of supplements.

    Are you serious (because I really need that information and I take this very seriously) ?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Thank you guys for the good info :) I just bought magnesium and I think I will buy also calcium + vit D and increase the milage.And what do you think about Ashwagandha Extract, L-carnitine and Beta-Alanine. If I take those and increase my milage is it possible to decrese my marathone time with 20 min ( my goal is 3:30 ) by next year ?

    Absolutely! You may even break 3:15 with that combination of supplements.

    Are you serious (because I really need that information and I take this very seriously) ?

  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    earth_echo wrote: »
    You should probably research L-carnitine before you start taking it. I take it to SUPPRESS my thyroid. If you don't tend toward hyperthyroid, it could make you hypothyroid. Just fyi....

  • earth_echo
    earth_echo Posts: 133 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    earth_echo wrote: »
    You should probably research L-carnitine before you start taking it. I take it to SUPPRESS my thyroid. If you don't tend toward hyperthyroid, it could make you hypothyroid. Just fyi....


    L-carnitine inhibits T3 and T4. Just Google "L-carnitine and thyroid". One study showed that it only takes 2-4 grams a day to inhibit hyperthyroid symptoms and is capable of preventing symptoms. So, for those of us who tend toward hyperthyroid, it's GREAT stuff! It may not be so great if you have a normal or hypo thyroid.