The first month

Hi there! I am a little over 3 weeks into my new lifestyle which is eating better and exercising often. I started at 167 and as of yesterday I weigh 160.6. I have lost 6.4 pounds, which is most likely water i'm sure. I am committed to this 100% yet so impatient to see results. Tonight I actually feel like I appear even larger even though I avoid salt and drink water nonstop. I am going to keep going but I really can't wait to be reassured that I am doing the right things for my body even though I know I am doing good. Right now I am convinced the first month is the hardest for me mentally and physically.
What types of things did you experience or are experiencing in the first month and did it get easier/harder or just as difficult?


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    You sound really committed to doing the right things! Everyone's journey is different and it is normal for changes to be hard. If you feel too overwhelmed, break it down into smaller steps or mini goals. You don't have to try and do everything perfect the first week--or ever. Good luck!
  • JanelleG0122
    JanelleG0122 Posts: 323 Member
    Everyone's journey is different and we see weight loss at different times. I personally have lost 35 lbs and have yet to notice any changes. The only changes I noticed are it's much easier to be active. It does get easier, but it took me about3 months of logging every day for it to become like second nature. Try taking measurements, while the scale may not move as much as you like, your measurements may go down faster. Good luck!
  • Tbucaria
    Tbucaria Posts: 8 Member
    Everyone's journey is different and we see weight loss at different times. I personally have lost 35 lbs and have yet to notice any changes. The only changes I noticed are it's much easier to be active. It does get easier, but it took me about3 months of logging every day for it to become like second nature. Try taking measurements, while the scale may not move as much as you like, your measurements may go down faster. Good luck!

    Thanks! I am going to buy something to take measurements with. I told myself I was going to take monthly pictures to view my journey later. However I don't think I'll be doing that cause there is no noticeable change in my body so far /: Measurements seem like a smart way to keep track instead.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    As mentioned, everyone's journey really is different, but it sounds like you're making smart choices! I'll bet you lost some fat in the mix. I don't think you dropped 6.4 pounds of water only. Congrats!

    My first month really was the hardest. Watching others eat donuts, cheeseburgers, Mac n cheese - all of it. The first four days or so I was miserably hungry. Exercise was something my body kind of rebelled against, lol. Six weeks into it, I caved and had a cheeseburger and fries. Cheeseburger Day made me realize that I don't feel as well when I eat that stuff, so sliver lining there.

    But it got easier. Practicing saying No and not eating at night and all those habits really became habits and not just things I was working on. It took a lot of time and there were failures and bad periods, but is got to where I wanted to be. Now, I don't even want the donuts.

    It got a lot easier! :)
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    The first weeks were the hardest for me, because I lost weight slowly so there was no immediate reward there at all.

    But lifting weights was rewarding, because my muscles started to change really fast (they do every time I take a long break and then go back). The fat I had to lose was still on top of most of them, but I could feel a big difference very quickly (tighter, harder). That was my reward system until the fat loss became noticeable :)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Take the pics anyway. They might show changes you don't see in the mirror. If they don't, nothing lost.
  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    The first 3 weeks were definitely the most difficult, physically and mentally. But for me, once I got past that, it became a LOT easier...and actually kinda fun. It's like a strategy game to figure out how to get the most nutrition and satisfaction out of my calorie allowance, and to fit in a few of my favorite indulgences along the way. I'm steadily losing 1 pound per week, and the weeks are flying by as the pounds drop off. Although I won't hit 20 pounds until next week, and I still have twice that to lose, I really see and feel a difference in my body shape and the way my clothes fit. My wardrobe got an overhaul. I'm trying all kinds of new foods and seasonings. I'm having a blast! The only thing I really miss out on is that because of some physical restrictions, I cannot exercise as vigorously as I would like. I'd love to be able to run or bike for both the pleasure and the fitness/calorie-burning benefits, but can only do moderate exercise routines. So just keep at it and you'll reap the rewards!

  • Protranser
    Protranser Posts: 517 Member
    My first month of weight loss was with Weight Watchers, which got me introduced to the idea of weighing my food and counting "calories." One of the things they told me was "you can eat anything you want and lose weight." I didn't believe it. I was pleasantly surprised to see that, indeed, losing weight and not changing my activity is possible while still eating cheesecake, fried chicken, peking duck, lechon asado, etc....

    So, for me, I wasn't so concerned about losing all my 100+ pounds in that first month, I just liked knowing "i can eat all the same stuff I eat now and still manage my weight? that's awesome." and that's what kept me on track for all this time.

    So, I can understand the frustration of wanting to see the scale move more than it does, but it may be comforting to remember you're not having to unnecessarily restrict things that you liked eating just to get to a healthier weight
  • pislari_poljnamd
    pislari_poljnamd Posts: 45 Member
    Hi there!
    To get more motivated buy a super nice dress, two sizes smaller then your actual size !!!hehe trust me, works very well with the power of will!!!