New girl here jumping back on the wagon.

Hi everyone!
My name is Anita and I was introduced to this site by some friends on a message board I belong to. I technically joined a couple of years ago but didn't start really using the site until a little over a week ago now and I LOVE it! It has really increased my motivation (the automatic posts to Facebook are a good kick in the booty for me! lol) and helped me really keep track of what I'm eating and how many calories I burn off. I'd lost about 140 lbs in the past but the weight is starting to creep back on and that's NOT going to continue. My hope is that having the motivation and an easy way of tracking everything will get the weight off and kick me into a healthier lifestyle. I'm looking forward to learning more about the site and meeting some new friends! :smile:


  • lifechanges06
    lifechanges06 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome back, same with me I started to really use it almost 2 weeks now and it really does make u think what you want to eat and what u do eat to save calories. i love it.

  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    You have an excellent attitude, and I know you can do it. Welcome aboard and don't give up!