Meals on the go?

Starting next week, I'll be taking a class that meets two nights a week and I won't have time to eat dinner. Basically, I'll be stopping at home, changing clothes and walking right back out the door. I don't want to rely on fast food and I don't want to eat sandwiches the whole time. Does anyone have any suggestions on meal ideas that can be eaten cold and on the go? I am not interested in shakes or smoothies - I just don't like drinking my meals.



  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Meaure out some nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies. Beef jerky, trail mix, hard boiled eggs (if you can keep a cooler).
  • cmstraut
    cmstraut Posts: 15
    I really like the gopicnic meals. I use them when we are on the go and don't have time for meals. The key would be to find a day that you can prep meals for yourself to just grab and go.‎
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    Do you like sushi?

    Or how about chinese food? Some Rice or Noodle dishes can be nice cold. I used to take a home-made ham-fried-rice with me as a packed lunch in the past...
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Yogurt, fresh fruit, pack cubes of cheese and meat in a container with some fresh veggies/olives to eat out of hand or in a wrap?
  • wink77
    wink77 Posts: 55 Member
    Cheese and crackers would work. I eat the big Wheat thins with Babybel cheese for a snack and it's filling. How about picking up a yogurt? Greek yogurt is filling and you could eat it quickly.