
New here as well. Trying to gain the weight not lose it. How many others and whats your story?


  • rnohou2010
    rnohou2010 Posts: 271 Member
    Welcome to the boards! Honestly I doubt too many of us have your problem. Only thing I can say is if it takes reducing/burning 3500 calories to lose a pound, or 500 extra calories per day to lose a pound a week, it must take 3500 added calories per week to gain a pound. Good luck!
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Through the years I've been on both sides of the weight scale. ;-) Today it's more about learning to be the best me I can possibly be. I've let my body lighten when I wanted to run farther, or gain when I wanted to lift more. But I've spent couple years focusing more on good nutrition, regular exercise I enjoy, & finding new ways to be active. By focusing on the activity & not the size I've had alot more fun in the process. :-)
  • dallas_33
    dallas_33 Posts: 24 Member
    Yes. Many more out there trying to lose the weight instead. They hear about me and all I get is "Your not normal". Its a struggle just the same as losing. So glad I found this app. The support from others is fantastic!