Vegan Insights & Life

I have to say that since going vegan again (last time was a few years ago), it's not just easier because of so many more products on the market -- a lot of them healthier as well which is amazing -- it's just easier in my mind! Logistically I could not have really done it without all the new soy-free options (which I try to be but need to be 98% for my Hashimoto's hypothyroiditis) which use pea protein, hemp protein and cranberry protein, etc. and more nut-based and coconut-based options. The biggest difference I feel is increasingly more balanced physically, mentally, emotionally in my eating and overall less hungry even though I am consuming few calories. I rarely find myself obsessing about food, my eating or specific foods, food (finally) feels more just like fuel to me, to keep my body healthy and my energy up...and that is a learning curve but I'm grateful to be able to have more mental focus for that element. Pasta is the area that still seems to be my weak point when I do overeat. I see I need to stop eating it out of the pot, sauté pan or a big container! I can leave it much better at a portion when it's already been portioned out into single servings. I am starting to love this food/life/body journey and it feels good! Anyone else have experiences to share? (Btw, I post a lot of the best of my vegan cooking and product loves on my Instagram.... @veganandthings


  • Sweet_Pea4
    Sweet_Pea4 Posts: 447 Member
    Thanks for your post. I just followed you on Instagram. I could do with some ideas. Just recently went pescetarian which is going well. I also don't drink milk, have lacto free. Just could do with some meal ideas. So thanks for that. I bet it's hard going vegan??