Making some changes!

Hi everyone!

I am sort of new to MFP. I started using the program a few years ago but stopped. I need to make some changes, because what I have been doing is not working! I recently read that keeping a food log is one of the best ways to stay on track. So, here we go!

I am 45, a former college athlete (volleyball), and in the last 10 years I have been doing triathlons off and on. Once I hit 40, though, it became much harder to stay at a certain weight or even lose. The last year has been focused on my family and not me, so my fitness has been pushed aside. I am the type of person that needs a goal or a challenge or I get complacent!

My weight has stayed in an "ok" range and I know I probably will not get down to my volleyball days weight (145 and I am 5'9"), but in the last year it has crept up to 185 and that is not comfortable for me! Ideally, I would like to be at 155-160 and I know there are areas in my eating habits that need to change (Frappacinos, wine with dinner, sugar addiction, etc.) and I am working on those, but man, it is hard!

So, I am hoping that some accountability will keep me on track. I am also looking for ideas, encouragement and a swift kick in the butt to make some changes!

Thanks for reading! -Melissa


  • memere101
    memere101 Posts: 461 Member
    edited October 2015
    Nice to meet you, Melissa. Thanks for your honesty. Life does get pretty interesting as far as weight loss for women after 40. Daily logging definitely helps a lot as well as having some friends or a group on here that help you be accountable. And making this journey a new way of life and not a diet really helps. Just make sure you are honest with yourself about your food,exercise, and goals.
    Now go log your food and get your butt in gear doing some regular exercise. And no negative talk! Consider this your swift kick :smile:
  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Melissa, feel free to add me for motivation. ankdworak - Kim