What loose skin products actually work??

The downside I've had to losing 50+ lbs in 40 weeks is that the skin didn't tighten up like I'm sure most of you are aware. I've read up on this issue, and long story short, drink tons of water and over time, it'll snap back. There are also different products out there that can aid in helping tighten the loose skin.

I've started taking a Omega 3 supplement as I don't eat much, if any fish. There are other products out there, but I would like to hear some peoples opinion about what they used and what worked for them.

Any tips out there?

(The surgery route is definitely out of the question as I don't have THAT much loose skin, but enough to make it look like I still have a belly and love handles).


  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Here are my tips (I worked as a skincare consultant for Sephora for about 5 years):

    - Take a liquid hyaluronic supplement. It's found naturally in the joints but it's great for you skin because of the hydration and antioxidant benefits. Or you could eat a whole bunch of blueberries.

    - Dry body brushing. It'll help to increase circulation and gets extra skin cells off allowing for better absorption of products.

    - Moisturize everyday, twice a day. I know this seems like a lot for your body, but moisturizing is really important if you want to keep your skin supple and strong, and using body lotion twice a day will help make sure the hydration your skin wants is there. I use a really light lotion in the morning and a thicker cream at night, but you could use oil, cream, lotion, etc.

    - Add a bit of rosehip oil to your lotion. It's a natural form of retinol and it really helps with decreasing stretch marks, tightening lose skin, and cell turnover. You only need a small amount. Maybe a tablespoon per regular sized bottle of lotion. Carrot seed essential oil and pomegranate oil are also really good, but they're expensive and harder to find.

    - Do a homemade body wrap. It won't help you lose weight like a lot of places claim, but it will help to tighten the skin. To do this get yourself a turtleneck unitard (preferably a size too small), an old pair of sweats, and ingredients. Soak your unitard in bowl with 2 cups strong (cheap coffee), 2 cups hot water, and 1/2 cup epsom salts. Then mix 1/4 cup aztec clay, 2 tbsp Kelp Powder (or seaweed powder, which you can make by mashing up sushi wraps), 2 tbsp lemon juice, and 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar. Take a shower and give yourself a scrub. Then apply the clay mix all over, put on your damp unitard and dry sweats (it also wouldn't hurt to put plastic bags on your feet). Then wait 30 minutes to 1 hour. I usually clean the kitchen and living room while I wait. Then rinse off, lotion up, and your done. You can find everything you need at Walgreens of the supermarket for really cheap.

    - Sunscreen. Learn to love it rain or shine.

    - There are also massages you can have done, but they're kind of pricey and seem to just be a type of lymphatic massage, the effects of which can be duplicated (on a smaller scale) with body brushing as long as you go in the right way. Since you said it's not too much skin, this might be a bit much, but for someone larger it helps to get out all the extra fluid so that the stretching of the skin is relieved. A cousin of mine has these done once a month during her 200+ lbs weight loss journey and she said it helps a lot.

    Hope this gave you some ideas!

    Oh! And congrats! That's an amazing weight loss!