
I haven't even lost a pound this week! My weight has hovered at the same thing all week! I notice my clothes fitting a little looser, but is this normal? I lost 5.2 pounds in 14 days now nothing.


  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    I weigh myself at the same time everyday. It's just frustrating to not see the scale move! Especially when I know I've been burning calories like crazy this week. :s
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    Be patient! It's very hard to do, but just keep doing what you're doing. The calories you burn this week aren't going to show up as a loss for another week or two. Be consistent and it will pay off!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited October 2015
    Is your scale the kind that shows the same weight if you're within a half pound or so of the last time you weighed yourself? Mine is. You may want to put a really light weight on it (I'll balance a foot on there and get a reading around 20 pounds) and then weigh yourself again. You may have actually lost a few ounces that aren't registering.

    Weight loss is not linear; you will not lose at the same rate, you may go up and down from day to day and week to week. This is all completely normal. Our bodies hold a lot of water and will retain more or flush some out in response to things like heavy exercise, hormones, sodium/potassium balance, etc. Many times, if we're still eating at a calorie deficit, temporary water gain can disguise fat loss for a time. Also keep in mind that most people lose a lot of weight the first week or two and that's mostly water, too, from the change in what is being eaten.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Probably 1 of 2 things:

    1) You are retaining a little water (this is normal and happens for tons of reasons) and the scale will show the loss next week when the water goes down.

    2) Some of the weight you lost already was water weight not fat, and your body has replaced some of that water so you won't see a loss this week because you saw 'extra' last week. For example I am in maintenance and normally weight 129, but occasionally my weight dips as low as 125. When that happens, I know it's water weight loss, and don't record it. If I recorded it as loss, then the next week I'd have to record a 'gain' when my body went back to normal .

    Are you set at a deficit to lose 1 pound a week? If yes and you lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks, then more likely it's the second option. If your deficit is set for 2 pounds a week then more likely the first option.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    The link Dianne posted is extremely important. There are a number of reasons as to why someone doesn't lose day to day or week to week. It's important to watch the trend over time rather than the instantaneous results.

    Besides, 5 pounds in three weeks is a tremendous loss! Congratulations!
  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    It's just very frustrating because I've been trying so hard. I'm not going to give up but I don't want to be doing something wrong either. I've got it set to lose two pounds a week and I haven't gained any. My scale literally hasn't even shown an ounce gained or lost. It's odd to not see any change at all in weight.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    It's just very frustrating because I've been trying so hard. I'm not going to give up but I don't want to be doing something wrong either. I've got it set to lose two pounds a week and I haven't gained any. My scale literally hasn't even shown an ounce gained or lost. It's odd to not see any change at all in weight.

    Just keep at it. There will always be times when you maintain/gain when you do everything right. Excess sodium/carbs, hormones, TOM, stress, increased exercise...they all cause water retention that can mask fat loss.
  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    I did do a really intense zumba class on Tuesday and I had never done anything like that before.