Hello, first post here :)

Hello everyone, I have been overweight my whole life, no one on either side of my family is naturally thin, we are are various stages of chubby. I am approaching 300lbs, I have PCOS, poly-cystic ovary syndrome and cannot conceive a baby until I lose at least 100lbs. My husband and I have been married for almost 3 years, have not used birth control our entire marriage and the Dr says it will be nearly impossible at my current weight. Even if I do get pregnant now I will have lots of complications. I also live with anxiety and depression but do not have health insurance and cannot get professional help, I self medicate with food. I recently was called 'so f*cking fat' by a complete stranger. I will be 29 next month and want to end my 20s and go into my 30s looking and feeling better about myself. I get bored VERY easily with excercise but all these fun 5ks have got me interested, like the color runs, zombie runs, mud runs etc. I want to do them now and my goal is to be able to RUN an entire one for my 30th next summer. I recently had a repetitive use shoulder injury which put me out of work and really discouraged me, I cannot afford to get proper shoes for walking much less running and cannot afford to sign up for the 5ks coming to town. I feel like I didn't have something to look forward to or motivate me or to walk without extreme pain in my hips and calves from my bad shoes. I need to change, I want to change, I keep myself busy taking care of everyone else but I need to take care of myself. ~Emmah