What's your junk food downfall??



  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Sweets and wine. The wine I'm not so worried about, but I tend to want both. I love cake, cupcakes, and ice cream. I found myself having a particularly stressful phone conversation this afternoon and I noticed that during/after the call, I went to the fridge and pantry three times to look for something sweet. Luckily, I didn't find anything. This time.
  • honeymoonpress
    honeymoonpress Posts: 11 Member
    Ice cream, brownies, caramel and hot fudge.....all piled high together. I love fries too but if I had my choice it's all sweets for me. I bought some Gelato because we were having company over for dinner. We ended up cancelling and I ate the two pints within 2 days. I keep eating until it's all gone. I eat so fast that I don't even enjoy it at the time. I have a really dysfunctional relationship with food! ;p But, most of the time I try not to even buy the stuff. I end up wanting more and more and go into a shame spiral.

    Oh, and of course...girl scout cookies. Thin mints and peanut butter tagalongs. I put them in the freezer but can easily kill a whole box in one sitting. YIKES!

    But, I have to allow myself to cave for a while and then jump back on the wagon.
  • KeisterButton
    Potato chips and tortilla chips, the latter especially if they are fresh and hot and served with pico de gallo, salsa, and guacamole.
    My cravings for potato chips have mostly gone away, miraculously. So if the value of Pepsico stock goes down next quarter, you'll know that it's due to me no longer eating a 14 oz bag a week...
  • kimmysueneal
    kimmysueneal Posts: 83 Member
    Desserts!!!! And I tend to binge on those foods. Eating 1/3 of a cake or a 1/2 pan of brownies or 10 cookies. It's bad. But usually I overcome and just eat them in moderation.
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Anything fattening, salty and sweet - basically all of it
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    It depends. Chocolate can be, but I've been able to have only a little bit and be fine lately. I don't dare make cheesecake unless we're going to a family get together or church potluck, because I'll find an excuse to have "just a little" all day long. But this weekend I found out that salty potato chips need to stay away from me unless it's in a one serving size container. I have a hard time behaving.
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Any fast food. I gotta eat the whole meal!
    (Potatos in general)
    Ice cream. Especially around my menses. qwq
    Crackers, dependin on my mood.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    Custard or the Carrot Cake from my favorite bakery. Lately though, it's been gelato.
  • melybling
    melybling Posts: 3 Member
    Pasta, buffalo wings, pizza, chips, and pastries. :O

    Basically, anything that's bad for you lol... :tongue:
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Basically some salty snacks. Since my body has less salt than it needs, I crave salty snacks, which cause weight gain. Awesome right?! :grumble:

    Haha but I've learnt to try & control my appetite for these foods. Ritz crackers are a fav of mine, so I take five out and put them in my hand. That's all I get to eat- no more, no less. It satisfies me though, knowing that I can control my desires. :)
  • tessi1993
    tessi1993 Posts: 186 Member
    oreo waffers, NUTELLA, anythintg betty crocker...
  • sweetladykandy
    sweetladykandy Posts: 1 Member
    I love to cook and bake plus i have kids.with that being said. .cakes, cookies , all the deserts i make:((((((
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I learned this weekend that I can't be left alone with a pile of cooked turkey bacon.
  • steph268
    steph268 Posts: 24 Member
    tortilla chips and dips - guacamole, salsa, processed cheese dip (gross!)
    craft beers - and I mean the really high calorie/high alcohol content ones
  • danivee33
    danivee33 Posts: 33
    Cookies, can't even buy 'em & pop if I have it on hand & waffles. I also can't pass a Menchies Frozen Yogurt place without going in. Fortunately, I don't pass one often and it's really expensive so I only get a little bit.
  • txin1
    txin1 Posts: 100 Member
    Chips, crackers, anything salty and crunchy
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Lots of things.
    Hungry Jacks (gross I know) or Burger King as you folk in the U.S call it
    Pizza from a proper pizza store (not pizza hut or any of those places)
    It goes on & on & on.
  • Rebirthfyre
    Rebirthfyre Posts: 2 Member
    Potato chips for me. I love them and they're so hard to resist.

    Also peanut butter and crackers. "That's not junk food!" you might be thinking. Well, it's probably just as bad if you eat as much as I eat. I will keep slathering Ritz crackers with creamy peanut butter until the entire sleeve of crackers is gone.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Cherry Pepsi
  • kelsierose094
    kelsierose094 Posts: 232 Member
    Pasta - especially carbonara..it's one of those foods that I continue eating even when full -.-
    Used to be chocolate, but I forced myself to go a while without it and now too much makes me sick.
    Milkshakes.. I really don't know when to stop D: And it's worse since it's a drink so it's harder to tell when i'm full.

    OH and the chips from Grill'd (a healthy burger restaurant in Australia) if they're served with their chilli mayo dip D:
