Advice and motivation!!

My name is Paige. I'm from Southern Illinois and I'm a 5 foot 4 inch female. I weigh about 124 and want to get down to about 116. Although I'm still considered within a healthy weight for my height, 116 is lean and on the smaller end of the spectrum. Some questions I have would be how long before I should typically see results? Not just seeing the scale move but actually SEEING results. Especially in my waist. Second, how often to I get to reward myself? Once a week, once a month, etc?


  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    You don't have very much to lose, so you should have a small deficit - half a pound a week or so, 250 calories per day. For seeing results, if you want to see your body look different, I'd suggest starting a lifting program for body recomposition. Core strength will come with that, and you'll see overall improvement as well. It won't happen overnight, so be patient.
    As far as rewarding yourself, work the foods you like into your deficit. Buy a food scale and weigh all of your solid food. Eat smaller portions of the food you already eat, so that you enjoy what you're eating. You can still have dessert, just have a single serving of it, and make it fit into your calorie deficit.
  • paigeross27
    paigeross27 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you so much! My fat is all visceral around my mid section tho. Very unhealthy fat. And I've noticed I carry weight differently than a lot of women.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Thank you so much! My fat is all visceral around my mid section tho. Very unhealthy fat. And I've noticed I carry weight differently than a lot of women.

    Everyone carries their weight differently... and you can't 'spot lose' fat. It will come off where it will, as you lose, gradually. Just be patient, and do the work. It will happen.