So I smoke...



  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    Oh yeah! I forgot to mention something that really helped me a lot. Essential oil aromatherapy. For some reason deeply inhaling cedarwood oil and clove oil really helped me a lot. I also hear that black pepper oil is especially good for quitting smoking. Bergamot oil is very good for helping your brain to create uplifting and happy feelings. Essential oils for aromatherapy are really the s**t.
  • Ishii19
    Ishii19 Posts: 109 Member
    I found something that helped me was knowing and reminding myself that a craving is temporary. Like when you want a cigarette you think the only thing that will make that feeling go away is having one, but actually time will make it go away too. So I just needed to remind myself of that and ride it out. It helps if you have a go to plan to distract yourself. Whatever works for you - go for a walk, call a friend, knit, drink herbal tea, drop essential oils on you wrist, whatever. You don't even have to fully believe those things ease the craving - it's just like a ritual to go through as you wait for it to subside. Then when it does, take a minute to be proud of yourself for not giving in - build up an association of good feelings related to not smoking. You got this!
  • saitiffeh
    saitiffeh Posts: 251 Member
    I quit recently using electronic cigarettes (vaping). I slowly reduced my nicotine level from 12mg to 0mg until I was using none at all. I still vape, but for fun with with no nicotine. After nearly a decade I am smoke free! I quit before cold turkey and using patches/gum/inhalers but always picked up the habit again soon after due to social influence. You know... you hang out with a friend who smokes and suddenly you're having one too. I mainly vape now when I am exposed to that sort of situation and still allows me to be social and go for a smoke with my friends. Mainly I guess that for me personally I didn't just need to get rid of the cigarettes, I also needed a replacement.