Medication and losing weight.

So I'm on adderall for my ADHD . It's helped so much, but I've also lost a ton of weight. I've been on it since April, and just being on it alone I've lost 40 pounds( and not working out) but the problem is its curved my appetite so much. At first I'd have to force myself to eat .. And almost forget to eat . Now I get hungry and eat a meal a day. Usually a somewhat big dinner around 5pm.
I've decided to start working out to lose the fat .. Tone up and gain muscle. I'd like to lose another 50 pounds ( I'm 247 right now) it's just eating has been hard. I've tried to decrease the dose .. But then I lose my focus and concentration . I've tried another version called Vyvanse and that was a total disaster.
I'm just wondering if there is anyone that is on some sort of medication that makes them struggle with eating and how do you handle it ? Cheers !


  • beckyszajna
    beckyszajna Posts: 17 Member
    Doctor knows. It's been well known since the day it came out in 1996 that people can lose weight from it by the medication curving your appetite. It's an amphetamine salt
  • beckyszajna
    beckyszajna Posts: 17 Member
    We have decreased the dose a few times .. Still same result on curved on appetite but then my concentration and focus is messed up
  • beckyszajna
    beckyszajna Posts: 17 Member
    I'm taking no other supplements
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    You've been losing roughly 1.6 lbs a week or so using a rough estimate based on your timeline. That's not too fast of a loss so I highly doubt you are eating as little as you think- maybe just less than what you were used to eating before you started adderall. I suspect this is probably why your doctor is not overly concerned. You have the weight to lose, and the rate is unremarkable.

    Most of weight loss is through calorie restriction not exercise. If it bothers you though you can always try other medications like Straterra that are not stimulant based. It's odd to be diagnosed as an adult with ADHD have you ruled out other causes of in attention with a psychiatrist? Many things cause the same symptoms like depression or anhedonia for example. If a family practitioner diagnosed you, it could easily be a misdiagnosised. There are also many other ways to learn how to live with ADHD such as meditation and types of therapy if you find the side effects of the medications not worth the benefits.

    If you really don't want to lose weight you can always try nutritional supplements like Ensure. It's what we use in the hospital for those with poor appetites.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Keep talking to your doctor about this - if your dosage is good, then it's time to look at what you're eating.

    If you're losing now but want to slow the loss and/or look at maintaining in the future, add in some foods you may not be eating much of. Foods higher in fat, like full fat dairy, nuts, cooking with oils. Those pack a nice calorie punch without giving you a majorly full feeling.

  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    My son is on a medication he desperately needs that suppresses his appetite. (The one before made him hungry all the time.)

    He eats calorie DENSE food. So if you're not going to eat a lot, drink things like a milk shake or smoothie with peanut butter and oatmeal in it. Just make it up in the morning and keep sipping it all day until it's gone. It's 800+ calories. Put together something really calorie dense for lunch and if you can't eat it all at once, snack on it by the clock if you have to. And again, a calorie dense dinner you like: cheese, beans, rice, nuts.

    When we were having to help my dad maintain his weight, he would have scrambled eggs with cream cheese in it for breakfast (it's really good) and we would essentially add peanut butter or butter to everything he ate, because he couldn't eat very much.

    You just need to come up with a plan. A nutritionist can help if you can't figure it out yourself.
  • beckyszajna
    beckyszajna Posts: 17 Member
    I've known I've had ADHD since I was young. I've just really fought it for a long long LONG time. But it just got to a point where it was interfering with work and me going back to school again. ( I really don't know how I got through the first time) I also have bipolar 1 ( dealing with that since 17. I am now 33) I finally gave in, in April because I had just had enough. I have also tried straterra. It really didn't help. I've also tried meditation yoga doing word searches and crossword puzzles . Nothing helped. It had gotten to a point I could not focus on watching TV reading or driving my car. So I have in with the adderall. At first the small 20 mg dose didn't work then 40 still nothing . We tried the max dose of 60 and BAM everything was clearer more focus( I was like " is this what normal is"?) I was calmer and could do stuff again . It really has been a life saver for me. And I won't lie the loss of appetite has helped with weight loss .. I'd just like to try to eat more when I can ( in a healthy manor ) and lose some more weight . I hope that clears a few thing. Thanks guys for the help so far !
  • eugenia94102
    eugenia94102 Posts: 126 Member
    Check with your health insurance if you need a referral to consult a dietitian ( in my state anyone with health insurance gets coverage for 3 visits per year without a referral). If you do, ask your doctor for a referral.
  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 232 Member
    I take Vyvanse I have this same problem of it total cutting my appetite, if I don't force myself to eat, even though I am not hungry I will only eat about 500 calories a day, I did that (on accident) for about a week and didn't lose an oz.! no idea why, but I am forcing myself now to try and eat at least a 1000 a day, prefer 1200. I eat whatever I want, meaning I am not really watching calories, but I also don't want to over eat since I am trying to maintain my weight right now. I just think it is strange that when I wasn't eating enough I wasn't losing. idk
  • beckyszajna
    beckyszajna Posts: 17 Member
    I barley getting 500 calories myself but I'm still losing .. Plus I'm working out now too. In the last week I've lost another 5 pounds. Plus I've started using whey for protein. Another thing. I eat a meal in the morning before I take the adderall then I get hungry in the evening. Watching what I eat of course.
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    Plan your meals. Breakfast, lunch and dinner; hungry or not - eat. The meals don't need to be big, but they should be nutrient rich. In time your internal clock will come to expect nourishment regularly. Make the meals "me time". Use nice dishes, a special glass, things that make you feel good. Create a fun dining experience. You deserve a break, treat yourself well. Good luck!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    edited November 2015
    I barley getting 500 calories myself but I'm still losing .. Plus I'm working out now too. In the last week I've lost another 5 pounds. Plus I've started using whey for protein. Another thing. I eat a meal in the morning before I take the adderall then I get hungry in the evening. Watching what I eat of course.

    If you're not hungry, you need to think of food as a medical necessity and plan accordingly. You've gotten some good advice. Make a plan. What you're doing now will make you much sicker than ADHD.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Living360 wrote: »
    Plan your meals. Breakfast, lunch and dinner; hungry or not - eat. The meals don't need to be big, but they should be nutrient rich. In time your internal clock will come to expect nourishment regularly. Make the meals "me time". Use nice dishes, a special glass, things that make you feel good. Create a fun dining experience. You deserve a break, treat yourself well. Good luck!
    This is great advice.

  • gabynagy
    gabynagy Posts: 4 Member
    So I'm on adderall for my ADHD . It's helped so much, but I've also lost a ton of weight. I've been on it since April, and just being on it alone I've lost 40 pounds( and not working out) but the problem is its curved my appetite so much. At first I'd have to force myself to eat .. And almost forget to eat . Now I get hungry and eat a meal a day. Usually a somewhat big dinner around 5pm.
    I've decided to start working out to lose the fat .. Tone up and gain muscle. I'd like to lose another 50 pounds ( I'm 247 right now) it's just eating has been hard. I've tried to decrease the dose .. But then I lose my focus and concentration . I've tried another version called Vyvanse and that was a total disaster.
    I'm just wondering if there is anyone that is on some sort of medication that makes them struggle with eating and how do you handle it ? Cheers !

    Hi Becky, i am pharmacist. Reading the advices you got so far you have everything you need. You have to listen to your body. Exercise will help to maintain a healthy appetite, make sure you eat quality food and DRINK plenty water. It might worth to check out the advantage of kefir/water kefir.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I actually just started taking adderall two days ago and I am noticing similar reactions to it. I ran my fastest and longest run yet due to the energy boost it gave me, even though I hadn't run in over three weeks and loath running. I am also not hungry anymore at all. The last two days if my boss didn't say time for lunch I wouldn't have went to eat. I have lost 5lbs in three days from the combination of working out and lack of hunger, but I dont want to be skinny fat, I want to be toned and have muscle so I know getting the calories in is important. So tonight since I am only at maybe 500 calories for the day I am going to have a filling protein shake with more peanut butter, milk and protein than normal to try and fill up the void. maybe try something like that, small servings of peanut butter are quite a bit of calories
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    I ran my fastest and longest run yet due to the energy boost it gave me, even though I hadn't run in over three weeks and loath running. I am also not hungry anymore at all.

    It's basically meth so yeah you get an energy boost. 5 lbs in two days is likely water weight. Even if you ate zero calories and ran a bunch I doubt you had a 17,500 or so calorie deficit in 2 days.
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    My husband is on the same medication, and he doesn't lose weight, but he maintains a healthy weight, and doesn't seem to gain much. Adderall is pretty much speed, so your body is constantly racing.