Hoping for a Baby

katlac1 Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! I've been a MFP members for several years. It helped me lose about 25lbs a few years ago (along with the community at Reddit for losing weight). I was able to keep the weight off for 2 years, but then this year happened. I had a lot of trouble at work - being harassed and stalked by a co-worker It took 4 months to get the person out of our office and not until today was I finally told that things will be back to normal next week.

I know I shouldn't use it as an excuse. And I don't want to - it is what it is. I let the stress get to me and allowed myself to indulge and never stop indulging until the damage was done.

At my lowest in 2012, I weighed 144lbs. I am now at just about 180lbs.

I've been trying to get back on track for the past couple of months but one party or an invitation or something always has me pushing it off. I can't let it go anymore, though. My husband and I are planning on beginning our family next year and I know that it is in my best interest to lose as much weight as I can before I get pregnant.

One of the things that really helped me last time was the community on Reddit. It kept me inspired. I hadn't realized there was an MFP community until today, so I hope that with this community, with MFP itself, and with a friend who is also using MFP I will reach my goal.

Is anyone in a similar situation?

F/31/SW: 180(ish) GW: 140(ish)


  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    I'm not in a similar situation but something in your post made me want to comment. Something that has really changed in my mindset is that every invitation, party, special event etc. need not be a reason to overeat or go over your calorie goal. I'm very social and I love going out. I like hanging with my friends at book club, date night with my husband, going to bars to hear a band, parties etc. If I wanted to, I could use all of those things as an excuse to eat or drink an extra 500 calories or, who am I kidding, 1000 extra calories! But then I'd never get to my goal weight and more importantly, I'd just keep gaining. Because I hope to keep doing all those things…instead at book club, I eat sparingly or not at all depending on how tempting the food is and just enjoy being with my friends. Date night with my husband, I order an appetizer and maybe one glass of wine, because if I pig out I feel gross and if I drink too much I can't drive and I'm a wreck the next day. At a bar, I sip Diet Coke or water and just enjoy the music! I even went to a wedding last weekend where I completely missed the passed appetizers because I was deep in conversation with someone. Then ate about half of my dinner because it wasn't that good and then passed on the sweets table because I'm not that big of a sweet person. I had one good sized glass of wine and then drank lots of hot tea as the night went on. Good luck with your weight loss and future baby! Change the mindset from dieting to a different, and healthier, lifestyle!