


  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I do it to clear my mind too and to release the stress but I feel I can do more. I will try to increase the milage and next week (cuz this will be too busy )I will try to do 100 miles (even if I have to work out twice a day) to see if I can make it and how I feel. I will also try to cut down on animal products and meet for some period. Thank u all ! :)

    How did you get that out of what we said?

    Honestly you should cut down and get a plan. Someone consistently running 60+ mile weeks for a ~4 hour marathon is likely overtraining.

    Hal Higdon, or Pfitzinger, or even Runners World Smart Coach.

    You don't need more miles at this point, you need to train smarter.