
So my nutrionist told me to take a good probiotic with at least 25 billion count. I have done a little research on it and it says it can help with weight loss, tummy issues (constipation), and even acne. (Which mine has been really bad lately). So I was wondering if anyone has any personal experience taking a probiotic and the results you had?
I'm only on day 2 of taking it so nothing yet...


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    While probiotics have had no weight loss benefits for me, I haven't had a yeast infection since I started taking them regularly. Between vitamin C, fluid, and fiber I have no issues with constipation.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    They DO aid digestion, but mostly keep bad bacteria from growing too much
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    Yeah I saw that it helps with the healthy bacteria. So that's good to know since I recently had to take antibiotics (which kills bacteria, good and bad, which can result in yeast infections)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    @kshama2001 Do you take your probiotics on a full or empty stomach? Google searching is split down the middle. I've always been told to take them on an empty stomach.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited October 2015
    @Heydew about a month ago I started on PRO-15 by hyperbiotics which is 15 billion CFU. I also got the 5 billion count to use as maintenance going forward. At the time this brand sounded OK when I was researching the subject so I went it. Not sure if brands are a big issue. I did have some gas issues for a couple weeks so hopeful the good warriors whipped the butts of the evil warriors.

    If we have the bad guys in control of the gut and leaky gut syndrome starts leading to brain inflammation that messes up our hormones that makes losing weight next to impossible then probiotics may help with weight loss. I do not have the reference for that run on sentence at hand but it was one reason I started probiotics.
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    I'm not taking it for weight loss, just trying to get healthy which includes a healthy gut! :) I just was wondering if anyone has experienced the "benefits" of taking it like they advertise. I bought the brand "renew" which is a 30 billion count. I take it at night so I usually have food on my stomach. But I wasn't told one way or another. I'm really hoping to see some skin improvement. Since starting my new lifestyle back in April my face is looking like I'm back in high school with this crazy acne! But I'm down 40 lbs so it's worth it!
  • soulofgrace
    soulofgrace Posts: 175 Member
    I've had life long gut issues, and I've tried many probiotics in pill form, but I never really felt much different. Same with yogurt, and I eat a lot of yogurt. So, I decided to try fermented vegetables. For me, this has had the most noticeable effect of anything Ive tried. The first I tried is sauerkraut because I happen to like it. I don't have to eat it every day...just every few days.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    @Heydew about a month ago I started on PRO-15 by hyperbiotics which is 15 billion CFU. I also got the 5 billion count to use as maintenance going forward. At the time this brand sounded OK when I was researching the subject so I went it. Not sure if brands are a big issue. I did have some gas issues for a couple weeks so hopeful the good warriors whipped the butts of the evil warriors.

    If we have the bad guys in control of the gut and leaky gut syndrome starts leading to brain inflammation that messes up our hormones that makes losing weight next to impossible then probiotics may help with weight loss. I do not have the reference for that run on sentence at hand but it was one reason I started probiotics.
    Hahahaha what?!? No.
  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    I've taken several brands of probiotics in the past, and I've tended to bounce around based on price and availability, but I've been on the Dr. Formulated probiotics from Garden of Life for the past couple of months, and I've really liked them. When I started them, I was having some really bad problems with bloating and alternating constipation/diarrhea, and most of those problems have cleared up once I've started taking them. I was on the strongest one in the line for a month (I can't remember the name, but it was the one with 50 billion CFUs) and after that, I've switched over to the Once Daily, which has 30 billion CFUs. I also take the Lactobacillus 3x6 from NOW, which is 5 billion CFU. Plus, the protein powder I use has a probiotic blend included in it.

    I also love yogurt and raw saurkraut. Kombucha and any kind of kefir are favorites of mine too. Really, I like anything fermented. :lol:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    @kshama2001 Do you take your probiotics on a full or empty stomach? Google searching is split down the middle. I've always been told to take them on an empty stomach.

    @christinev297 - my current brand, and I believe previous brands, say to take it on an empty stomach.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    @kshama2001 Do you take your probiotics on a full or empty stomach? Google searching is split down the middle. I've always been told to take them on an empty stomach.

    @christinev297 - my current brand, and I believe previous brands, say to take it on an empty stomach.

    Thanks :smile:

  • aliciasilfies
    aliciasilfies Posts: 179 Member
    I picked up a probiotic to help with a lot of my IBS symptoms. Mine has 30 billion CFUs and it says to take with a meal.

    After about 2 weeks, a lot of my digestion issues cleared up. After about a month, I had almost zero bloating and my acne cleared up quite a bit. The only acne that I get now is right around my TOM. I haven't lost any weight from taking one, but that wasn't my main intention either.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    I take the brand RAW Women's Probiotic, it's an 85 billion count and has to be refrigerated, and it says you can take it with or without food.

    I haven't gotten yeast infections and I believe it helps my eczema.
  • mmarie_3
    mmarie_3 Posts: 57 Member
    Yes! I swear I have never felt better since taking a GOOD probiotic!!! My energy levels are amazing, lowered cravings, digestive troubles gone. I have done a lot of research on it and it all makes so much sense. I use the plexus kind (I don't sell, like to support my friends), and I love it.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    have not caught a cold in a very, very long time (immunity is high)
    i take with food, since i always forget to take it on empty stomach (but supposed to be empty)

    I've been taking my "empty stomach" pills with my first beverage of the day for so long that the two acts are linked :)
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    I have taken them on and off over the past few years. Since having my gallbladder out my digestive system seems to get out of sorts occasionally and they help me to feel better. I have been eating more Greek style yogurt and haven't needed them very often.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I took one for several months but didn't notice any difference so I stopped. I've never had any gut problems and eat a lot of prebiotic foods so I guess I didn't need it.
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    I eat yogurt and kefir daily, and sometimes sauerkraut. I don't know if there's any evidence that bacteria from food is better than pill form, but it seems to make sense. The bacteria in food is already alive, feeding, and possibly multiplying before you eat it. I would think that would improve the chances that the bacteria would take hold and thrive in your intestines rather than just passing through.

    I was already eating greek yogurt for protein, but after reading "The Good Gut" by Justin and Erica Sonnenburg, I started looking for more fermented/cultured foods to add to my diet. Although the science is just emerging, the proven benefits that have been studied go far beyond just good digestion.