Why Does My Weight Fluctuate Daily Whether I exercise or not

Right now I weigh 144 lbs and my goal is 130, I'm 19 years old, male. Like the title says, my weight fluctuates daily, I could run 3 miles one day and follow a strict nutrition plan and i'll gain a pound over-night, likewise I have eaten a tub of chocolate ice cream and step on the scale the next morning only to read that I am 2 pounds lighter... So I'm trying to figure out why this is? Is it because of muscle growth / loss? am I just weighing myself too often? can anyone help?


  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    That weight isn't actually your body for the most part, it's what you are consuming. water has it's own weight and so does the food, that is adding the pound or whatever it is that day, my difference can be up to 3 or 4 pounds day to day. Other factors like muscle contribute, the body is pretty complex.

    Weigh less often, every two weeks gives me a good estimate of how things are going. I would not recommend anymore than once a week. A good time to weigh is in the morning after you use the restroom and before you eat or drink anything.
  • viverevolution
    viverevolution Posts: 6 Member
    Weight tends to naturally fluctuate by about 1-3 pounds each day. I don't think you should be too worried about small fluctuations like that, or even the number on the scale. Try to measure your success by how your clothes fit, how your body looks in the mirror, and especially how you feel throughout the day; if you want something more tangible, try a tape measure. I believe MyFitnessPal even has a section to input various measurements, from waist to neck to hips. And always remember that you are not battling against your body--it is not the enemy!
  • xxlimitxx
    xxlimitxx Posts: 2
    I weigh my self every two weeks. It helps me not obsess over numbers on a scale; rather it helps me get motivated to move and anticipate what my weight will be like the next time I weigh in. I use to weigh in like every other day, but then that just led me into over analyzing everything I ever did there after. Maybe create a diet that works for you would help. I am a flexitarian, which means I only eat meat once in a while or only one type of meat. But yet again, its just a suggestion.. hope it helped at all :)
  • Precious_Nissa
    its more than later water weight....depending on stress, intake of foods with extra water, along with the water you drink and other liquids, your body may hold it differently daily....i was stressing at first because I saw that but when i got to where i'd only weigh once a week, i saw the real weight that was actually being lost..
  • Binki
    Binki Posts: 13
    I have the same problem, but now I picked a day that I weigh myself once a week, in the morning (Wed.). I was weighing myself daily a couple of months ago and it will only start to discourge you. I have to admitt sometimes I will wiegh myself 2x a wk, but it's because I might have cheated on my diet, and i start to freak out. Your number will change...I'm hoping my will.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Right now I weigh 144 lbs and my goal is 130, I'm 19 years old, male. Like the title says, my weight fluctuates daily, I could run 3 miles one day and follow a strict nutrition plan and i'll gain a pound over-night, likewise I have eaten a tub of chocolate ice cream and step on the scale the next morning only to read that I am 2 pounds lighter... So I'm trying to figure out why this is? Is it because of muscle growth / loss? am I just weighing myself too often? can anyone help?

    This is why it is not a good idea to weigh daily. I used to do the same and would often weigh myself several times per day, but to be honest what good does that do? If I were to see a loss, great, but it is a cast-iron certainty that it will not be a loss everytime I jumped on the scales. However, weighing myself once per week I see a loss in weight without the fluctuations that occur daily.

    Make sure you measure yourself too as sometimes you will lose inches (or part of inches) but on that particular week you may not lose any weight.