Going to really try

paulinebowman Posts: 8 Member
edited October 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm Pauline and I'm really going to try this time I need to. I'm hoping to lose some weight before Christmas as I'm going in for a foot operation on the 23rd of December so here goes I will lose some weight


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hi Pauline! Hope the surgery goes well. you should be able to drop 15-20 lbs. Add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • paulinebowman
    paulinebowman Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks I will add you xxx The operation is for plantar fasciitis and after it I will be on crutches for 6 weeks Taking my daughter back and forward to nursery could be fun lol
  • DHutzell74
    DHutzell74 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Pauline. I'm trying to drop some weight before Christmas as well, and it sounds like we're in the same boat. I'm facing possible knee surgery.
    Wishing you the best with your weight loss and foot surgery. You can add me as a friend if you'd like. I'm new to this app, and still trying to figure it all out.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    "Do or don't do. There is no try". Yoda.

    Log your food and eat at a deficit. If you want to lose the weight, do it. If you'd rather not, don't.
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    I think your comment was a little harsh pondee629, for someone just starting out, TRYING is a good thing!
  • Big5BigChange
    Big5BigChange Posts: 56 Member
    Hello! - I agree that pondee629's comment could be seen as harsh - but I still think he has a good (and probably well-meaning) point - it is all about mindset. See the article here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-lose-ten-pounds-thirty-days-seriously-jeff-haden (don't be put off by the silly title - it isn't gimmicky)

    It talks about the power of "don't" - i.e. saying "I can't miss my morning walk this morning" vs. "I don't miss my morning walks". The second phrase has a subtle difference but a powerful affect on how you think.

    You sound like you've "tried" before (and I guess), not been too successful. ME TOO! However, I am changing my mindset. I reckon it is ALL about mindset :) . All the best in your journey!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Trying isn't committing. Many people fail at dieting because they try. When things get rough the answer usually is "well at least I tried".
    There's desire and there's commitment. People who are committed to their goal won't be dissuaded by obstacle or setbacks. It's really a mind over matter issue because weight loss is basically calories in/calories out. If one is consistent with it, weight loss occurs however many fail be there's no commitment to change current habitual behavior.
    Is it harsh? Depends on the viewpoint. I believe some people need to hear the actual reality of what the weight loss attempts are and the successes. I'm giving you an opinion from someone who's dealt with people who "tried" and really never succeeded because they weren't committed.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • paulinebowman
    paulinebowman Posts: 8 Member
    Oh believe me I will lose weight but seeing as I can't be as active as I would like to be due to having a problem with my foot.anc awaiting a operation to rectify the problem And also having three year old who by the way takes up most of my time and energy But seeing as I'm on 4 tramadol a day for the pain I'm in with my foot I think trying to lose weight and be more active is a good thing for just now If you are going to be like that how about I change it to I will lose weight
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited October 2015
    Oh believe me I will lose weight but seeing as I can't be as active as I would like to be due to having a problem with my foot.anc awaiting a operation to rectify the problem And also having three year old who by the way takes up most of my time and energy But seeing as I'm on 4 tramadol a day for the pain I'm in with my foot I think trying to lose weight and be more active is a good thing for just now If you are going to be like that how about I change it to I will lose weight

    There are lots of people who lose weight without being active at all. Losing weight is all about eating at a deficit. Sure being active can help to make that deficit bigger, meaning losing faster but it's not necessary. Even if you have surgery and are limited in mobility for 6 weeks during recovery you can still lose weight simply by eating at a deficit.

    As many have mentioned, you either want it or you don't. I know some people who have 4 children under 8 . . . that's a lot of kids and they find time for working out and eating properly. It's really a matter of commitment - do you want it bad enough to put it first?

    I don't want you to think we're a bunch of mean people here because we aren't - but we are really just being honest with you. It's really not an easy thing to accomplish but many of us have been down the "I want it" path and failed, sometimes more than once. The only person who can make this happen is you: you are the only one who can choose how much you consume, choose if you make changes for you. It's all about getting the eating under control. Which is not the easy part lol. Good luck to you :) hopefully your surgery goes well
  • paulinebowman
    paulinebowman Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks I do want it. And to be honest I feel A bit crap at everyone saying that because I'm only trying I basically won't do it and I know the only person that can do it is me but all this negitivity ain't going to help today is my first day and I was only introducing my self and basically I'm being shot down in flames I got told this was a nice place Looks like I'm not going to be coming on the forums again
  • Big5BigChange
    Big5BigChange Posts: 56 Member
    Yes - sorry Pauline if we all seem to be coming down on you a bit heavy. It may feel a bit unfair. I think most of us are trying to let you know of things that WE have learned ourselves and hoping it will help you. However, I see that it does come across as a bit like criticism. You obviously have a lot to contend with and "trying" is a great start. Now, work on the "I will" that you mentioned a few posts back :).

    Don't be put off by the forums. There are lots of nice people around with good stuff to say. Good luck. Nail it!
  • paulinebowman
    paulinebowman Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks big5bigchange
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Thanks I do want it. And to be honest I feel A bit crap at everyone saying that because I'm only trying I basically won't do it and I know the only person that can do it is me but all this negitivity ain't going to help today is my first day and I was only introducing my self and basically I'm being shot down in flames I got told this was a nice place Looks like I'm not going to be coming on the forums again

    You will actually get a lot of tough love here - there's tons of people with a huge amount of knowledge and support to help you. However, if you're looking for someone to hold your hand or coddle a bit you will not find it here usually. Some people are very much soft in terms of support, but many here will tell it like it is. And I know that approach isn't for everyone so that's totally up to you if you want to engage in it or not.

    I'm sorry you felt we were pushing you down, that isn't the intent. I think the underlying message is that so many people are oh I'm gonna try, I'm gonna try and then don't take the advice given, or claim they're doing everything they can and are still gaining weight. I'm not saying that's going to be you, but it's fairly common on here. I definitely know you can do it if you want to . . . you just have to want it enough. As I've read many times don't sacrifice what you want the most for what you want right now. :)
  • zebras1977
    zebras1977 Posts: 28 Member
    You can do it! :)

  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Life is "harsh". Losing weight is harsh. We all get the body we WANT. It all depends on whether you WANT it ENOUGH. Or would you rather have that cookie?

    Me, you, or anyone else telling someone to "Go for it" is delusional. You want to lose weight? Eat at a deficit. How you attain that deficit is up to you. Eat less? Exercise more? Do one or do both, completely up to you. Cardio, weights, CrossFit, et al. completely up to you. Probably the only thing in our lives that is completely up to us is the bodies we WANT to maintain. Do it for YOU, because YOU want to. If YOU don't want to, OK.

    In short, if you want to lose weight, DO the thing(s) necessary to lose weight. No one else can do that for your. No amount of cheering, "motivation", or outside influence is going to do it for you. Do or Don't do, there is no try. There is doing with occasional failure, setbacks, frustrations and turmoil. That is also life.

    Just do it. If you fail, or only partially succeed, you do it again, and again and again... See there is no try; Do or Don't do.

    May you you have the best.
  • paulinebowman
    paulinebowman Posts: 8 Member
    Oh believe me pondee629 I know how hard life can be. After nearly losing my life in 2012. I know how harsh life can be. I will lose weight And to acorsaut89 I wasn't looking for people to hold my hand at Molly coddle me I don't need that all I was doing was introducing my self but hey ho. I will do it my way I always do
  • paulinebowman
    paulinebowman Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks zebras1977
  • Big5BigChange
    Big5BigChange Posts: 56 Member
    I will lose weight......I will do it my way I always do

    Loving the fighting talk. That's the spirit!
  • Wizeman22
    Wizeman22 Posts: 552 Member
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