Hi everyone! I'm Daniela

DaniMedina1 Posts: 28 Member
edited October 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everybody,

I'm Daniela - Dani - originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina; but currently living in Edinburgh, UK.

I have been slim all my life, until four years ago I stopped exercising regularly - as I had always done - because of the busy work and study schedule I had at the time. I also started doubling my food portions (especially the JUNK food portions) and in a matter of months I ended up gaining a lot of weight. I am 1,60 tall and have always weighed around 50 - 55 kilos, but in December 2012 the scale showed me I was almost 70.

I tried so many "miracle diets" and all of them failed. I even attempted to starve myself and it worked! for a few days, until I began to eat normally again and put all the weight back on.

As I had never had any overweight problems before, I was struggling a lot not only with the weight itself, but with the "people's view" and opinions about my body. People can hurt a lot with their comments, and I had to live nasty experiences regularly, for example coming across old acquaintances randomly on the street or a shopping mall and being told: "OMG, what happened to you, you are HUGE!". I could sense the disgust in their voices. It was awful! It even happened to me, once I had dropped a lot of weight and was considerably thinner than before, that my neighbours from next door didn't recognize me as the same person who had been living there for years. They asked me if I had moved in recently, because "a chubby girl was living here".

In March 2013 I was feeling so bad with myself and enormously frustrated, that I decided it was time for a change. Exercise (walking, running, cardio, pilates, a little bit of strenght training) was suddenly part of my life again and I decided to make better choices at the time of feeding my body with good nutrients and whole foods. It was an easy decision to make, but not so easy not maintain, of course. But, although I succumbed to the temptation more than a couple of times, I was able to find myself sticking to a healthy diet (with occasional treats, like ice cream, pizza, a pint, etc) and splurging every once in a while if I went out for dinner or to a party with friends. My body, though, got used really quickly to the new diet and even if one day I decided to stuff my face with junk food, at the end of the dinner I would find myself craving for fruits, cereals, fresh salads and healthy smoothies.

I opened an account on MyFitnessPal because I want to find the best version of myself. My maximum historic weight, as I said before, was 70kg. I am currently weighing 52kg and have a goal of reaching 50kg. I KNOW I AM SLIM and it is not about being slimmer, but about trying to lose a bit of localized fat through healthy diet and exercise. I would like to add friends, so we can inspire and help each other, and perhaps run friendly competitions between us? who knows :)

Good luck to you all with your diet plans and DON'T QUIT! every sacrifice pays off :)

I'm Attaching my own before-and-after pictures.

October 2011:


December 2013:


September 2015:



  • rnohou2010
    rnohou2010 Posts: 271 Member
    Welcome to the boards! In my opinion you look fantastic in both the before and after photos. People can be so cruel in their comments. ¡Felicidades en tu gran éxito!