Gaining weight - need help!

I'm 5'11" & currently weigh 78kg. I was 81kg when I started 3-4 weeks ago and my aim is 70kg. My weight loss goal on MFP is 1kg/week. This gives me an allowance of 1200 calories per day, which I generally do by eating around 1500-1600 calories and working off 300-400 cals. In the first week (as often happens) I lost 2kg. In the last week I have gained a kg (I was down to 77 last week) and it's really got me down. I have tried to be so strict. I always calculate my food items on the high side (cals) if I'm unsure.
Any tips??


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    It's only been a week and weight loss isn't linear. Keep at it and if you haven't lost in another 3-4 more weeks, then you'll need to find out where to tighten up your logging.
  • anitaghigi
    anitaghigi Posts: 13 Member
    Intervals of intense exercise might make a difference. I was at a plateau for 4 weeks and then I started using the elliptical trainer at my gym with increased intensity at intervals of every 3 minutes. I generally work on the elliptical for 45 minutes and increase my resistance once a week. Every 3 minutes I pedal as fast as I can for 15 seconds then go back to a comfortable speed of about 4 1/2 to 5 mph. Since I started doing that I lost 8 pounds. Sorry I did not do the conversion to Kg. Hope this helps. I also do strength training twice a week for 30 minutes. If you are not doing strength training I would suggest that you do. It will help you to burn more calories.
  • nursenatti
    nursenatti Posts: 6 Member
    @anitaghigi, I have been doing speed intervals on the treadmill, but only for 20-30 mins at a time as I get sore hips. Regarding kg-lbs:
    I'm 5'11", started at 179 lbs
    Am now 173 lbs
    My goal is 150-154 lbs
    I gained 2-3lbs in the last week of not going over my MFP calorie goal.
    I can't fit in any more training as I work 6 days a week as a shift working nurse (with kids & we also run a charity) and it's hard enough to get to the gym/go for a walk 3-4 times a week for 1/2hr each time.
    I'm wondering if it's due to my often eating a small brekky/lunch and then a bigger evening meal? Even though it's still within my calorie goal, is it possible that that is making me gain weight?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    nursenatti wrote: »
    @anitaghigi, I have been doing speed intervals on the treadmill, but only for 20-30 mins at a time as I get sore hips. Regarding kg-lbs:
    I'm 5'11", started at 179 lbs
    Am now 173 lbs
    My goal is 150-154 lbs
    I gained 2-3lbs in the last week of not going over my MFP calorie goal.
    I can't fit in any more training as I work 6 days a week as a shift working nurse (with kids & we also run a charity) and it's hard enough to get to the gym/go for a walk 3-4 times a week for 1/2hr each time.
    I'm wondering if it's due to my often eating a small brekky/lunch and then a bigger evening meal? Even though it's still within my calorie goal, is it possible that that is making me gain weight?

    Meal timing/frequency have no impact. Did you increase your exercise this week? Did you consume something that was high in sodium in the past 2-3 days? Are you nearing TOM or ovulation? Those will all cause water retention that mask weight loss. For it to be two pounds of fat, you would have had to eat 7000 calories above maintenance.