How do I lose 35 pounds?

Today I decided it's important for me to get a grip. I am 35pounds from what my doctor calls a healthy weight. I was 25pounds away but gained 10pounds. I need feedback on what to do to do over the next 6-7months to get to my goal. I need to achieve this goal and your help and feedback is welcomed. My issue is that I give up quickly even when I've seen results.


  • IconStillFree
    IconStillFree Posts: 262 Member
    If you're pregnant, try having a baby
  • IconStillFree
    IconStillFree Posts: 262 Member
    Seriously though. Stay on track to what Myfitnesspal calorie limit gave you, log your food try, drink at least 5 cups of water a day and sprinkle in a little cardio. You don't have to cut out your favorite foods but eat proportionally to your calorie goals. Finally, stay patient, Rome wasn't destroyed in a day. Patience is key. Good luck remijumai.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Stop giving up. Stay in a deficit until you've lost 35 pounds.
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    Burn 500 calories more per day, or eat 500 calories less per day. Do this for 35 weeks and you should lose 35 lbs.

    It's a simple answer. The hard part is doing it.
  • kisses71213
    kisses71213 Posts: 97 Member
    **This is what has helped me/and what I have done to stick to my weight-loss** first, stop STRESSING. that alone will make anyone gain 5-10 lbs without eating anything extra! second, the ultimate best way to gain a strong foot-hold on weight-loss is to re-direct your cravings/thoughts for food. Some ways of re-directing cravings: when you "feel" hungry (even though you've already ate a fair amount of calories) then distract yourself by GOING ON A WALK/JOG (yes, go outside and get fresh air and speed walk around the block), when you're done you'll feel great... afterwards you'll probably get the hungry feeling again --solve this by drinking lots of sparkling/mineral water to "fill you up" for a few mins. then a little later add in a light snack like- half an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter. --if you're unable to walk due to rain/weather or other health conditions, then I suggest distracting yourself by lifting weights. Lift that milk jug and give it a kiss and put it back in the fridge and do some stretching exercises. Keep your hands busy/crochet or do a puzzle, call a friend. Do anything to take your mind off food --until you gain a foot-hold. Use MFP, and cut out greasy foods/soda/empty carbs. Don't remove all sweets. Just eat smaller portions. Eat that bowl of icecream, just eat HALF the amount. ;) Well Wishes to you!
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    Personally I think long term weight loss varies from person to person in what will work for you. But you have loads and loads of options.

    For me just limiting my worst food choices makes a major difference. There is plenty of healthy stuff that is actually good and lower calorie. The next time you go to buy something high in calories, find an alternative that is lower in calories but you will still enjoy. Limit portions, eat healthy snacks, and find time for at least some walking or something.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    If you give up quickly, nothing we tell you here is going to help. If your issue in weight loss is that you give up quickly, I would bet sure as Sam Houston shootin' that you have problems elsewhere in your life with this same cause.

    Maybe your next help needs to come from a therapist that really knows what's going on.
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    remijumai wrote: »
    Today I decided it's important for me to get a grip. I am 35pounds from what my doctor calls a healthy weight. I was 25pounds away but gained 10pounds. I need feedback on what to do to do over the next 6-7months to get to my goal. I need to achieve this goal and your help and feedback is welcomed. My issue is that I give up quickly even when I've seen results.

    It's very simple. If you're eating too much, eat less. If you're not moving enough, move more.
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    Eat any foods you would normally eat, but cut the calories to a deficit that will make you lose a little bit every week. Less than 1lb per week is probably ideal since you don't have very much to lose.
  • Troutrouter1968
    Troutrouter1968 Posts: 122 Member
    Eat less. Move more. Stay hydrated.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    This is Google's response:
  • HealthyJan2016
    HealthyJan2016 Posts: 5 Member
    Plan plan plan. Know what foods you should eat and don't buy those you shouldn't. Plan meals and snacks for the entire week. This prevents binges and impulse eating that can sabotage your diet. It elevates stress by knowing you have a plan in place and food prepared. Drink water Through the day to keep full. Walk. It's easy free and no special equipment. If it's raining go to a mall. There are no excuses - only options. Make good choices. Good luck!
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    One pound at a time.

    I would get overwhelmed with all the weight I needed to lose. Then I realized all i really needed to do was just lose one. Then do that same thing again. Since it's not about dieting and deprivation but is all about a permanent change in lifestyle going slow and steady made sense to me. It took me years to get fat so it will take several years to lose all the weight. I'm over 100 pounds down after only 22 months!
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    "My issue is that I give up quickly even when I've seen results."

    Then, I guess, you really don't want to lose the weight. Once you decide that losing this weight is important, eat at a 500 calorie per day deficit (how you achieve that deficit is entirely up to you) and in 35 weeks, mas o menos, you'll be 35 pounds lighter. You don 't need anyone to "hold you accountable". You're an adult, right? If you want to lose the weight, do what is nedded. If you don't; continue as you were.

    Start weighing and logging your food and see where the difficulties are. Cut out those difficulties.
    Exercise is not essential, but it does help in creating the needed calorie deficit, relieves stress, improves your visual qualities (make you look better) and makes you more fit.

    Friends of mine have noticed that I have lost weight and asked for my "secret". Very few are happy to hear, "Eat less, exercise more" as my response. Most want a "secret" where they can do as they please, save for one thing, and lose the weight. Taint happening. If it came from a bottle, we'd all have great bodies.

    Good luck, eat less, exercise more. Report back in 35 weeks.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Eat at a deficit and you'll lose. It's that simple.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    How? Simple. By NOT eating approximately 122,500 calories.

    More precisely: create a Caloric Deficit, and let that deficit accumulate to 122,500-ish calories over time.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    remijumai wrote: »
    Today I decided it's important for me to get a grip. I am 35pounds from what my doctor calls a healthy weight. I was 25pounds away but gained 10pounds. I need feedback on what to do to do over the next 6-7months to get to my goal. I need to achieve this goal and your help and feedback is welcomed. My issue is that I give up quickly even when I've seen results.

    So everybody is going to tell how you what to do , but now how to do it.
    Figure out what your maintenance is so you don't gain or loose..
    Once you figure that out, exercise and try to burn 700 calories for 5 days. that will give you 2 days rest.

  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    edited October 2015
    remijumai wrote: »
    Today I decided it's important for me to get a grip. I am 35pounds from what my doctor calls a healthy weight. I was 25pounds away but gained 10pounds. I need feedback on what to do to do over the next 6-7months to get to my goal. I need to achieve this goal and your help and feedback is welcomed. My issue is that I give up quickly even when I've seen results.

    People can give you all the good advice in the world but until you get over your issue the pounds will continue to creep on and you will always be yo yoing.