So does anyone raise farm animals or grow their own food?



  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,534 Member
    Wiz_Joe wrote: »
    @allaboutthecake you guys were doing it extensive; WOW!!! I would love to have horses, we have/had at different times cats, goats, cows, chicken (broilers and layers), rabbits, dogs. I wish we'd have horses thou ;) My grand parents do some community project with breed goats and they get goat milk for breakfast daily. We also plant vegetables from onions, tomatoes, pineapples, watermelons, maize and rice, all this from time to time at different parts of the farm/s. We sell and supply to the community around and other people in large. It's really nice to plant and feed on our own supplies.. It's even better to share to the people around us the excess supplies.

    I guess I never looked at it like that. It was our way of life. Looking back on it now. We didn't purchase alot of food in the grocery store, too expensive. I remember when we got bananas it was such a treat. And we had oranges around Christmas. Food preservation is hard work. We grew everything in a garden and if it was wild (like asparagus & berries) we picked it and preserved it. We also made our own clothes. Shoes were put on the 1st day of school & kicked off the last day never to be found. My dad repaired anything that broke and if he couldn't repair it we didn't really need it that bad so it wasn't replaced.

    Thanks for the trip back memory lane. :)

  • LAMCDylan
    LAMCDylan Posts: 1,214 Member
    edited January 2016
    Been gardening for years. Right now I manage a 1.5 acre property and all the gardening on it. There's plans for chickens, a small orchard, and bee hives. I also do a little hydroponics indoors. We got wild turkeys here but we are not allowed to harm them.
  • _Sparky_
    _Sparky_ Posts: 765 Member
    I grew up on a mixed farm, dairy (cream only), Beef, Sheep, Chickens (eggs and meat) always Turkeys, now and then we would get a pig for our own food, but Mom didnt like them they would root up the yard. Nowadays I still grow all my own vegitables since I dont trust the food in the store, I know exactly what I use to grow mine and far as I'm concerned they taste far better since they have not been shipped across the country. I also have started a community festival called the Giant Pumpkin Fest which I hope is getting children interested in growing and hope they continue with it.
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    I can't raise animals then eat them. It just isn't in me

    Its barbaric
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    what a lovely thread :) As a kid I spent some of my time growing up on farm - we had cows, I had a pet goat, always have had cats and we also planted rice and beans and corn and assorted veg and fruits from memory.

    I LOVED farm life.

    Now i'm in the city and have a couple of pot plants and a cat.

    When I retire from the rat race my intention is to go back to a rural setting and once again grow some foods (probably just veg and fruit though) and have chickens and i'd LOVE a pet pig...