Went from non-runner to runner: Losing weight and helping others do the same!

A couple of months ago, I decided I would face my fears of running outdoors ( I had normally ran on the treadmill). Once I started, I couldn't stop. I kept setting goals for myself and I am now someone in a small community who is admired for getting out there and doing something I was uncomfortable with. I am average build. I have ballooned up to 167 pounds and currently am at 160 pounds. I am feeling great. I have went from a 35.1 inch waist to a 31.3 inch waist in 2 months. I am 5'6". I would like to get back to 145 where I felt AMAZING.

It such an amazing feeling to work with others to attain a weight loss goal. I have been told my friends that I am motivational because I do not have the perfect body, but I am working towards goals that many people have.

I have been on MyFitnessPal before, but I did not feel like I gathered many friends. I want to find others like me who want to look and feel good. I can always use motivation myself. It isn't always easy for the motivated ones either!


  • PeachesNcreamgal
    PeachesNcreamgal Posts: 357 Member
    Congratulations! Thats very inspiring!! I love the idea of running but I can't do much of it due to my large frame. I plan to start c25k soon!! :)
  • ellen8584
    ellen8584 Posts: 24 Member
    That's awesome! You have to start in baby steps sometimes. I had surgery on my foot a couple years ago, so I had to take my time doing smaller exercises before deciding to run. My mom has a lot of problems with her ankles/weight, so she takes walks instead. You just have to do whatever works for you! You can always build yourself up: walk for the first week, walk and then run on and off the next week. I literally have made small goals for myself like, "Okay, I have to make it to that tree and then I can take a break". Make it fun :)
  • PeachesNcreamgal
    PeachesNcreamgal Posts: 357 Member
    I hope your foot is better now? Thats what I love about this website people overcome all odds to achieve their goals!! :) well I walk a lot and I love walking. i jog a bit. The park where I walk is 261 metres. I could barely run 90 meters but on 6 august 2015, I ran full 261 metres. my next goal is to run 30 minutes non stop!!
  • ellen8584
    ellen8584 Posts: 24 Member
    You can definitely do that, especially with all that walking you are doing! The best way to run without stopping is to make sure your body is warmed up, and PACE YOURSELF. If I start out too fast, I can barely make it 15 minutes. I am not sure where you live, but I live in Pennsylvania where there are so many hills. Making it over hills does me in sometimes, but I just walk for a couple minutes and keep going. My foot is fine now :)
  • PeachesNcreamgal
    PeachesNcreamgal Posts: 357 Member
    Thats really wonderful bit of advice. But can you explain to me whats pacing yourself? I am a bit of a greenhorn lol but I would love to imitate your success with running and lose a lot of inches of my waist!
  • healthy_lovez
    healthy_lovez Posts: 36 Member
    I have NEVER been a runner so I admire your passion. I am much more of a elliptical type cardio person. I was a competitive swimmer for years and I think I just have permanent sea legs. Good luck on your goals!!!
  • harryrarabrown
    harryrarabrown Posts: 42 Member
    Great work Ellen! I've just started running after years of making excuses. I love it! Started on the treadmill and now run 5k races (although not very quick)

    Scarily, I've entered the ballot for next years Berlin marathon so will have to do plenty more running if I get a place in that
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Congrats Ellen! So happy to hear about your new found love. I know for years I struggled with cardio endurance & knee/joint pain whenever I tried to run. A few years ago I discovered the principle of mid foot strike & WOW(!), I was in heaven. Grateful the weather is cooling off now & i can start longer runs in the afternoons & evenings.

  • nbgonzalez21
    nbgonzalez21 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! My name is Nadia, and I'm from Texas. In my younger years I was physically active playing in soccer teams and running. I ran my first marathon, NYC Marathon, last year and it felt amazing! However, I have goone thru personal changes that took a toll on my health and stopped being careful with my food and stopped working out in the last couple of years. I am now at 158.6 lbs. I just joined the Thanksgiving Slimdown with Heidi and Chris Powell yesterday in hopes on getting motivation and getting to my goal weight - 145. I used to be an avid runner and still love it so I want to commit to getting my daily runs out there. I have realized that the more people I conmect with, the more chances I have in succeding! It is nice to find them all here!!!
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    That's so awesome! You're doing incredible - keep up that fantastic work! I have been trying to work running/jogging into my daily walks, but being as big as I am it's been a struggle. So I admire your dedication! :)
  • ellen8584
    ellen8584 Posts: 24 Member
    Thats really wonderful bit of advice. But can you explain to me whats pacing yourself? I am a bit of a greenhorn lol but I would love to imitate your success with running and lose a lot of inches of my waist![/quote?
    Pacing is very important while running. It just means that you are going at a steady rate. If you start too fast, you won't have the endurance to keep up at that same rate of speed.
  • ellen8584
    ellen8584 Posts: 24 Member
    ellen8584 wrote: »
    Thats really wonderful bit of advice. But can you explain to me
    Hello! My name is Nadia, and I'm from Texas. In my younger years I was physically active playing in soccer teams and running. I ran my first marathon, NYC Marathon, last year and it felt amazing! However, I have goone thru personal changes that took a toll on my health and stopped being careful with my food and stopped working out in the last couple of years. I am now at 158.6 lbs. I just joined the Thanksgiving Slimdown with Heidi and Chris Powell yesterday in hopes on getting motivation and getting to my goal weight - 145. I used to be an avid runner and still love it so I want to commit to getting my daily runs out there. I have realized that the more people I conmect with, the more chances I have in succeding! It is nice to find them all here!!!

    It sounds like we have very similar goals!!!
  • ellen8584
    ellen8584 Posts: 24 Member
    Looks like my phone wanted to do its own thing when I was replying to quotes! Lol!
  • Redbeard333
    Redbeard333 Posts: 381 Member
    That is so cool and inspiring!! I'm signing up for my first 5k on Sunday (the actual race is in July), and planned on starting to train in April. I'll admit I'm apprehensive, but when I've briefly run to cross a street recently noticed how it didn't feel as jarring to my knees, feet, etc since I'm down almost 80 pounds.
  • ellen8584
    ellen8584 Posts: 24 Member
    That is so cool and inspiring!! I'm signing up for my first 5k on Sunday (the actual race is in July), and planned on starting to train in April. I'll admit I'm apprehensive, but when I've briefly run to cross a street recently noticed how it didn't feel as jarring to my knees, feet, etc since I'm down almost 80 pounds.

    If you are like me, once you start training, it kind of becomes addictive! I just wanted to keep going farther, make it up over that big hill that about made me throw up yesterday. That is AMAZING that you have lost that much weight. Running is such a healthy exercise that will change every aspect of your life. I am running a 6k on Halloween night. They may have things jump out and scare us...it may make me finish earlier! LOL
  • ellen8584
    ellen8584 Posts: 24 Member
    Also, I must say I live in a small town. My 4th grade teacher is the track coach for the high school and told me she saw me running. At first was kind of embaraased , but she said "you weren't in track in high school. You looked amazing and had a really good pace! How long have you been training?" I told her two months qand she couldn't believe it. It felt aweaome!!!
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    ellen8584 wrote: »
    That is so cool and inspiring!! I'm signing up for my first 5k on Sunday (the actual race is in July), and planned on starting to train in April. I'll admit I'm apprehensive, but when I've briefly run to cross a street recently noticed how it didn't feel as jarring to my knees, feet, etc since I'm down almost 80 pounds.

    If you are like me, once you start training, it kind of becomes addictive! I just wanted to keep going farther, make it up over that big hill that about made me throw up yesterday. That is AMAZING that you have lost that much weight. Running is such a healthy exercise that will change every aspect of your life. I am running a 6k on Halloween night. They may have things jump out and scare us...it may make me finish earlier! LOL

    Y U so much cardio?

    Kidding. Sounds like you're doing great and having fun. If you enjoy the exercise you're more likely to repeat it and it looks like you found something you can do for years. Have fun on your Halloween run.
  • Redbeard333
    Redbeard333 Posts: 381 Member
    ellen8584 wrote: »
    That is so cool and inspiring!! I'm signing up for my first 5k on Sunday (the actual race is in July), and planned on starting to train in April. I'll admit I'm apprehensive, but when I've briefly run to cross a street recently noticed how it didn't feel as jarring to my knees, feet, etc since I'm down almost 80 pounds.

    If you are like me, once you start training, it kind of becomes addictive! I just wanted to keep going farther, make it up over that big hill that about made me throw up yesterday. That is AMAZING that you have lost that much weight. Running is such a healthy exercise that will change every aspect of your life. I am running a 6k on Halloween night. They may have things jump out and scare us...it may make me finish earlier! LOL

    That Halloween run sounds awesome!! I've seen "zombie runs" before, too. I just don't want to shell out big bucks like for Tough Mudder, etc. What's cool about the run I'm planning to do is that you have a coupon on your bib for a free beer in the beer garden afterwards :)