Where am I going wrong? - Any advice

Hi there, I have been on a calorie controlled diet for approx 2 yrs now. I have lost around 16 lb I'm averaging on 1580 - 1700 calories some days, and approx 30/40g of fat. I have been on MFP approx 6 weeks.

I'm trying to be has fit as possible, I have a chronic pain condition so exercise can be difficult, I swim when possible and burn apporx 600 calories, and eat back around 200 ish. I try move around, potter about so I'm not sedentary

The end of last month I lost 4 lb and gain 4 lb this month?? and I'm now stuck I cant see any significant change in my diet except yo-yo'ing calorie wise some days I am over others under to try balancing it out.

I have 3 stone to lose, I have noticed my clothes on top are baggy so I have dropped a dress size, (bottom half not so much) I'm still under RDA of calories and fat so why am I not losing?

Any tips or advice please?

Thanks :)


  • abadscene
    abadscene Posts: 3 Member
    For a very long time I restricted my calories very carefully, but ate whatever I wanted. Despite eating a supposed "deficit", I never lost a pound, and then proceeded to gain ten pounds when my college finals came along. :p

    Do you make sure your diet is well-rounded? Also, when are you weighing yourself? Weight fluctuation is pretty silly throughout the day, so you should always weigh yourself in the morning when you wake up (or generally at the same time each time). I say this because 4 pounds, in the grand scheme of things, isn't that big of a fluctuation, and could easily be because you weighed at night instead of the morning or something.

    Otherwise, you could try a number of other things. I recently had blood work done and learned that I'm quite allergic to wheat (not gluten, just wheat). So I cut ALL grains out of my diet and suddenly I feel better, don't feel bloated anymore, and have been steadily losing weight which is very new to me. You might see if any medications you're on or foods that you're sensitive to are hindering your efforts. Especially if you have a pain condition for which you take medication.
  • JennypegMarie
    JennypegMarie Posts: 133 Member
    Hi, thank you for your reply.

    I weigh myself once fortnightly, I have just done some MFP recalculations and apparently my numbers have increased?! I Should eat around 1700??? All i changed is my weight now and weight I want to be?

    Do you think that sounds about right? here are a few of my stats, Thanks again :)

    Current weight 14.4st
    Current BMI- 33.4

    -BMR - 1698cal

    Body fat - 27.48%
    -55lb Body fat
    -146 lean body mass
    - 66kg

    Ideal weight 148lb = 10st

    TDEE- 2037

    MFP, was on 1580 cals MFP has increased this too 1700~
  • abadscene
    abadscene Posts: 3 Member
    Well I'm not sure what exactly your goals are, but generally to lose a pound a week, or about .01 stone I think, you need to create a 500 calorie deficit each day. What is your normal activity level not including any exercise you do? If you're sedentary you probably burn around 2000 calories a day (just guessing given your weight). So 1700 doesn't seem unreasonable at all especially if you are able to add a little walking or anything during the day. But truly, look at *what* you're eating. I have had many times when I've been perfect on maintaining my deficit in calories, but did so with junk or something and didn't lose anything. Further, I've noticed that if I don't eat *enough* food, I will stall. I had been on a plateau for two weeks recently, and then had some pizza and cookies out of nowhere. Bam, I'm seeing progress again. Sometimes you have to remind your body that it's not starving or anything. It will slow down in response to your diet changes, and the occasional treat can actually be quite beneficial.

    These are all just my experiences though.
  • JennypegMarie
    JennypegMarie Posts: 133 Member
    Thank you for your advice, Here is an update.

    I have gone down to 1432 calories a day, I have been on this new daily regime three weeks now, Not lost anything.

    I'm even including some daily activity maybe minor burn but it's something added? I seem to be stuck at the same weight.

    I have recalculated my BMR and that and came with this figure to lose, and I don't even seem to be losing 1 lb a week or even a fortnight, I feel like I'm failing even though I am sticking to the diet. I can re-open my food diary maybe Im missing something, I can't do any more activity with out making my self more poorly, I thought by deficiting 500 calories a day you are suppose to lose 1lb for every 3500 deficited... Unsure where I am going wrong. Any Ideas? Thank you