I am very tired today. I get up every morning at 430am with my husband. Then when he leave at 530 I just stay up because I have to get my daughter ready for school at 630, Last night I had to work until 10pm, so time I was ready to fall asleep it was bout 1130pm them back up at 430 this morning. But this morning I was going to go back to sleep but I got a call and was ask to come in to work because someone hit a deer. OK no big deal. I also have a lot going on today. Now all I want to do is eat for energy How can I turn in a different direction so I don't over eat the rest of the day. I not even sure if I can do my workout today, but I thinking it might help too. What do you guys think


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Well, that's quite a schedule! I'd be tired, too. Not really sure, but I'd keep in mind that over eating will just cause you to feel sluggish and lethargic. Eat a small portion of something nutritious and put the rest away. Wait 30 min. or so and see how you feel. A short workout may help. Just do 10 min. and see how you feel. No sense pushing yourself, but don't go the other direction and "eat" your tired feelings. Doesn't work. You'll still be tired and then you'll be annoyed that you over ate. Good for you for trying to be proactive!
  • diyadiamonds
    diyadiamonds Posts: 74 Member
    I wake up at 3.45am everyday to get out the house for quarter to 5 to get the 5am bus , get to the gym for 6am to workout and then go to work. I work as a PA so I am on my feet a lot, by the time I get home its 9- 10pm so I make sure meal prep on Sundays and Wednesdays to get me through the week.

    Iv found of you eat 6 small meals /snacks a day it helps you keep full, I time mine every 3 hours. If you have a set routine you can actually program your body into only needing 5-6 hrs of sleep. People in the army get used to only sleeping for a few hours and still do intense training the next day.
  • Rochelle684
    Rochelle684 Posts: 5 Member
    Bzah10 I hope I spelled that right I don't have my reading glasses on. That's what I did end up doing I went and ate some protein with some homemade veggie and that helped, The rest of the day I just kept moving, because I know if I set I going to fall asleep and I had to many thing I had to be at.

    Diyadiamonds you are very busy I would not be able to handle that. I am a sub bus driver and I never know when they are going to call. I like that idea of eating every 3-4 hours I think that will help.

    I did eat some junk before I decided to eat my homemade veggie soup with chicken, when I was all done with eating good my body told me I screwed up. I felt SICK after the junk and trying to fix it by eating good soon after. I decided to wash wall and clean out cupboard's until I felt better, it took awhile but. I do now but I really don't feel like dinner and I have calories I can use. So if I do decide I will eat very light.

    Thank you both and don't worry I will feel better tomorrow.
  • diyadiamonds
    diyadiamonds Posts: 74 Member
    Bzah10 I hope I spelled that right I don't have my reading glasses on. That's what I did end up doing I went and ate some protein with some homemade veggie and that helped, The rest of the day I just kept moving, because I know if I set I going to fall asleep and I had to many thing I had to be at.

    Diyadiamonds you are very busy I would not be able to handle that. I am a sub bus driver and I never know when they are going to call. I like that idea of eating every 3-4 hours I think that will help.

    I did eat some junk before I decided to eat my homemade veggie soup with chicken, when I was all done with eating good my body told me I screwed up. I felt SICK after the junk and trying to fix it by eating good soon after. I decided to wash wall and clean out cupboard's until I felt better, it took awhile but. I do now but I really don't feel like dinner and I have calories I can use. So if I do decide I will eat very light.

    Thank you both and don't worry I will feel better tomorrow.

    My body does that too hun, main reason why I actually avoid bad foods even if I am craving them , I know my body will feel sluggish and I'll get down. Remember slow progress is better than no progress sometimes we are really harsh on ourselves when its not needed. If you do end up cheating just move on from it and start fresh the next meal/day.

    Audio stimuli I found was very effective when I have needed to remind myself of my goals and why I am eating and training the way I am, if you go on 'Mateusz M' YouTube channel you will find very uplifting motivational videos.

    Hope I helped x
  • Rochelle684
    Rochelle684 Posts: 5 Member
    You have, After that day, I decided I need to come up with a plan to focus on something else, I have never thought of audio stimuli I going to check that out and but it in my favorites, I also thought I should write this things down, and most of all keep moving and stay away from most of that stuff. I really don't want to feel like that again. I know I have bridle showers coming and a wedding in May and with that I know I will be getting into some junk, But I like to ask myself before I take some is it really going to be as good as it looks, and a lot of time it don't taste that good. I also wanted to tell you that I am down 2 pounds I have a lot more to go but Its a great start. Thanks for taking time out and helping me

    Thank You x
  • Rochelle684
    Rochelle684 Posts: 5 Member
    You are right Mateusz M is very motivating I will keep listening to them