Help with calories/meal



  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    Thank you sadly I can't figure out to get the recipe builder to give servings size just like 1/12 of dish but I wanted to weigh it because ya it's a big pot lol trying to figure out 1/24th or something of the dish would make a not very accurate portion size/calorie intake

    What I do is I weigh the cooked dish and put the weight in as the number of servings.

    For instance, the vegetable bake I made was 1800g cooked. I put in the recipe builder that it was 1800 servings.

    Then I weighed out how much I was going to eat (150g) and logged the recipe in my diary as 150 servings.
  • blkandwhite77
    blkandwhite77 Posts: 281 Member
    seska422 wrote: »
    Do what you did to get the overall calories. So, the total calories for the recipe is 3288.

    However, it doesn't matter what the ingredients weighed before you cooked them. You need to get the final weight of the recipe after it is cooked. You can weigh the pot before you cook, weigh the food in the pot when it's done, then subtract the weight of the pot.

    Let's say that the final weight is 2210. That would give 3288 calories divided by 2210 final recipe weight equals about 1.49 calories per gram.

    Oh ok! I weighed the pan when it was empty too so that shouldn't be a problem. Ty!

  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    I did the math I just wanted to clarify if I was doing the final part correct. In other words would it be calories divided by grams or grams divided by calories... If that makes sense?

    Calories in vegetable bake
    100g of broccoli x 0.34 calories per gram = 34 calories
    100g of carrot x 0.41 calories per gram = 41 calories
    100g of jar sauce x 0.56 calories per gram = 56 calories

    Total calories = 131 calories

    Cooked weight = 280grams

    131 calories / 280 grams = 0.46 calories per gram

    100g serve = 46 calories.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I did the same division and got the same result. You've got this! You can use recipe builder and say the dinner gas 2659 servings and it would do the same thing.
  • divajoni
    divajoni Posts: 52 Member
    KateTii wrote: »
    Thank you sadly I can't figure out to get the recipe builder to give servings size just like 1/12 of dish but I wanted to weigh it because ya it's a big pot lol trying to figure out 1/24th or something of the dish would make a not very accurate portion size/calorie intake

    What I do is I weigh the cooked dish and put the weight in as the number of servings.

    For instance, the vegetable bake I made was 1800g cooked. I put in the recipe builder that it was 1800 servings.

    Then I weighed out how much I was going to eat (150g) and logged the recipe in my diary as 150 servings.

    this is really helpful advice... thanks so much! :smile:
  • blkandwhite77
    blkandwhite77 Posts: 281 Member
    Ty ladies! I didn't even think about doing that! That be much more simple plus I can have it saved for next time since my kids love these darn burritos lol ty again everyone
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I did the same division and got the same result. You've got this! You can use recipe builder and say the dinner gas 2659 servings and it would do the same thing.

    Yeah, that seems simpler.
  • c613477
    c613477 Posts: 296 Member
    KateTii wrote: »
    I'm sorry each line is a different food and the their calories
    Potatoes 1320 calories 1753 grams
    Soy chorizo 1120 calories 560 grams
    Low fat cheese 560 calories 196 grams
    Onion 60 calories 150 grams
    228 calories 0 grams (2 tbs bacon grease)
    So I added together all the calories and then added together all the weights/grams (it's all cooked in one pot)
    So then I took those calories and divided by the weight/grams to come up with 1.23 calories per gram...

    3288 calories
    2659 grams =

    1.23 calories per gram
    123 calories for hundred grams

    Chorizo potato burrito


    Yes you can do that.

    Basically what you've done is what the recipe builder does. (It's a really good tool, I use it for my meal prep and it's really good for things like vegetable bake)

    Thank you sadly I can't figure out to get the recipe builder to give servings size just like 1/12 of dish but I wanted to weigh it because ya it's a big pot lol trying to figure out 1/24th or something of the dish would make a not very accurate portion size/calorie intake

    Just make each serving a gram in recipe for that dish you have 2659 servings. Then you could record exactly how many grams of that fish you had. 100 servings=100 grams.