Dificult day



  • sinbadfxdl
    sinbadfxdl Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks for the support. I'll take the great points offered. Thanks again.
  • sinbadfxdl
    sinbadfxdl Posts: 103 Member
    I tried the cheat day idea, but it spins me out of control and I have trouble getting back on track. I have found a free meal once a week works better for me. It's a little bit easier to stay on track if I know at the end of the day I'm going to have a meal that is special. I worry about the holidays as I love baking and people at work are bringing in as well

    My point exactly. It's new territory. I always dieted in the spring and let loose till the holidays are over and found myself out of control. This time i'm doing it all the way to my lowest weight since 15 yrs ago. That means through the holidays. In essence; my cheat days (once a week ) are my free meal days. It's going to take about six months. I'd go crazy without a day of indulging once a week.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited November 2015
    sinbadfxdl wrote: »
    Books and choc. Sounds like you have this thing figured out. I was referring to cheating (indulging) two days in a row. It's just tempting. I'm losing like a freight train going to its destination in time. I like that. When your in the moment, let me know how it feels.

    Hmm. Not sure what you mean by "in the moment". What moment? "Losing like a freight train going to its destination on time"? Nope. I honestly don't have any idea what that feels like. Because I don't set a time limit on my weight loss; it comes off when it comes off. I have MFP set to lose a leisurely .5 lb a week. I don't feel that the point is to lose as fast as I can; it's to eat as much as I can while still being able to lose.

    Or were you referring to the temptation to cheat? I'm not sure how to answer this. Like everyone else, I have been tempted to overindulge and eat more than my calorie allotment (and I have on occasion given in to this temptation). However, I don't consider it cheating, because cheating implies that you're doing something wrong, or bad, and I learned a long time ago not to put an food (or behavior associated with food) in those categories. In other words, I'm not going to get all high and mighty and say, "Oh, I have NEVER exceeded my calorie goal", because that would be untrue (and obnoxious). But when I do exceed my calorie goal, I'm not going act like I did something wrong; I'm not going to post about how difficult it is to keep from "cheating" two days in a row, because I don't consider it cheating.

    I incorporate treats into my plan every day. I'm a chocolate lover, as my user name suggests, so often that treat is some good dark chocolate. Sometimes it's cookies or potato chips. The fact that I eat a small portion of those types of food every day is what keeps me from needing a regularly scheduled day to "cheat" and eat "bad" foods.

    I wish you good luck, and hope that your train reaches its destination soon. :wink:

    ETA (because I'm not sure I made it clear): I'm not suggesting that you change what you're doing. If you're happy with how you're losing, then why would you? I was merely suggesting that you change your approach a little bit, and, as I said earlier, take the word "cheat" out of the equation.
  • sinbadfxdl
    sinbadfxdl Posts: 103 Member
    Why are some of us so obsessed over the word cheat. It's about me getting past the holidays with obtaining my goals. My approach is fine. I was looking for tips only. Don't bother with the word cheat day please. Lol
  • sinbadfxdl
    sinbadfxdl Posts: 103 Member
    Again. Got what I needed. Thanks a million.
  • absoluttalent
    absoluttalent Posts: 40 Member
    If I know I am not going to hit my daily goal, I atleast swap to a maintenance day. As long as I don't go 3000 calories over maintenance, I'm golden. All damage can be reversed that week by making a day or 2 a 1.5lb deficit then go back to my normal 1lb deficit and get back on track. I try not to sweat it and show some more self control with the candy. Also helps the "elf on the shelf"is coming out early and helping the kids eat their candy stash *cough*garbage*cough*
  • sinbadfxdl
    sinbadfxdl Posts: 103 Member
    Sounds good.