Woman in late 40's needing advise and motivation...help!

When you reach a certain age, losing weight is just different. Our metabolism changes, it's harder, our body is changing, our willpower changes and it's very discouraging. I look at these younger women losing weight like I used to be able to and feel like a failure, I'm a stress eater and blow it every time. If I could keep that same 10 lbs off that I have lost over and over again, I would be one slender woman! I am so discouraged and feel so bad about myself, I really need encouragement and motivation from women with my own struggles, I can't be the only one out there!


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    When you reach a certain age, losing weight is just different. Our metabolism changes, it's harder, our body is changing, our willpower changes and it's very discouraging. I look at these younger women losing weight like I used to be able to and feel like a failure, I'm a stress eater and blow it every time. If I could keep that same 10 lbs off that I have lost over and over again, I would be one slender woman! I am so discouraged and feel so bad about myself, I really need encouragement and motivation from women with my own struggles, I can't be the only one out there!

    Want advice?

    Stop making excuses for yourself and commit.

    It is not actually different..it's exactly the same...count your calories, eat at a defecit, move more

    The best thing you can do is build muscle to offset the change in TDEE which is only 100 calories per decade ...that's nothing ..it's a slice of bread ..build muscle through a progressive lifting programme

    Your body changes because you move less and eat more...reverse that...take the stubbornness you've build up over the last 4 decades of living, your maturity and commit

    You can do it

    If I could, you can

    Have faith in yourself

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    So, we aren't 22 years old. Maybe it's harder now than it was then. That doesn't mean it cannot be done.

    Stop comparing yourself to women who are twenty years younger than you are. Stop comparing yourself to everyone, for that matter. You're you, not them.

    Focus on finding a way that works for you and don't give up until you find it! Begin and stick with a mindset that says, "I'm going to do this" and you will succeed.

    Challenges are there to be overcome. Anything that gets in your way, you just push it aside and keep going. Whatever the obstacle, you say, "Too bad, I'm doing it, anyway."

    It's hard. Too bad, I'm doing it anyway.

    I lose slower than I once did. Too bad, I'm doing it anyway.

    I really love cookies. Too bad, I'm doing it anyway.


    You have to go at it like you mean it! And you remain committed. Because it IS hard and the older we get, the harder it gets. So, don't let all the stuff that makes it hard defeat you. Just do it, anyway. :)
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited November 2015
    50 here
    And np at all to lose weight.

    But i decided it will come off now, and i have no excuses to not lose this excess weight.

    So i did!

    And so can you. If you want it enough, have patience, do what you have to do and stop making or looking for excuses. Start counting and logging.
    When you gain back means you eat to much...again. And that is not age related.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Don't listen to those myths. We have the life experience, maturity, and commitment to do this. We've lived with the consequences of poor habits do we know how important this is. There are lots of MFPrs in 40-50-60s who've lost enormous amounts of weight. Please become another one!!
    SW 301
    CW 186
    GW 150
    16 months
    60 y/o