Back at it

Hi there! My name is Nicole and I'm eager to make a commitment to getting myself healthy. I logged MFP before but wasn't able to "stick with it". I'm approaching 30 years old and way more than I ever would want to. I am married and together we have four children. Our blended family keeps us very busy. When I am not at home with my family I am working as a K-1 and Special Education Dean. I'm looking to lose, in an ideal world, about 30 to 40 pounds. This would put me at a healthy comfortable way that would allow me to be more physically active and enjoy my time with my family. For me, this starts by developing an exercise plan and being very mindful of what I eat. I am eager to find some people who will help hold me accountable and provide support and motivation. If anyone has similar interests or Kohl or just willing to be a supporter please feel free to friend me!