I Need an Accountability Partner

Hello! I am a newcomer to My Fitness Pal and I learned that this was a good place to find Accountability Partners. I am a middle-aged woman with about 20-30 pounds to lose, but most importantly, I need to start a consistent exercise routine. I have arthritis in my knees and lower back and in addition to physical therapy, need to be exercising at home. Problem? My "M.O." is to find anything and everything I can do so that it ends up that there is no time to exercise. I have never liked to exercise, but I know I must.
So, I'm looking for one or two people who can relate to my experience and is/are interested in a mutually supportive relationship that will help us deal with the challenges ahead.
Please respond to this post, with some background information, if you are interested in working on weight loss/fitness, etc. goals with me. Thanks!