I Am STARVING!! Close to Maintenance. Is This Normal?



  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Just read your "I'm hungry" dialogue. Another approach (to taking a break) is to increase both exercise and low-calorie foods. I'm talking a lot when it comes to low-calorie foods. My heart kind of sank when I read your dialogue because I've been there so many times and those danged breaks can turn into a lot of pounds. (They're freakin' easy to put on and a lot harder to take off.) Maybe a break with scale and MFP for accountability? <3
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    Just read your "I'm hungry" dialogue. Another approach (to taking a break) is to increase both exercise and low-calorie foods. I'm talking a lot when it comes to low-calorie foods. My heart kind of sank when I read your dialogue because I've been there so many times and those danged breaks can turn into a lot of pounds. (They're freakin' easy to put on and a lot harder to take off.) Maybe a break with scale and MFP for accountability? <3

    Aww, it almost sounds like you were worried about me :smile: . That actually makes me feel good because I don't think anyone has worried about me for a long time, besides my mom, and moms don't count. Actually, by diet "break" I meant just eating at maintenance for awhile, not abandoning MFP and going crazy. I've already moved to weighing only once a month. My loss is so slow right now I just couldn't take weekly weigh-ins anymore, when you can't really get a good idea of the actual loss.

    I can try to increase exercise, but I don't know if I can find the time. I'm set to sedentary because I have a full-time desk job and a long commute, but the rest of the time my days are pretty full. If I'm awake, I'm doing something. I don't have time to sit and watch television or play games. I actually only watch t.v. twice a week, on Thursday and Friday evenings after putting the kids to bed for the night, when my husband and I snuggle and watch a movie before bed (so maybe 4 hours total each week). The rest of the week I watch zero t.v. I spend my time before leaving for work cleaning the house, cleaning the yard, taking care of our animals (we have a farm), stacking firewood, taking care of our garden (about a half-acre so big), preparing meals, and all the other "life" activities. I'm doing C25K three times a week for about an hour total, and I walk during my lunch breaks for 30 minute five times a week. I try to take the kids out at least once a week to do something involving exercise (the park, a bike ride, the dog park, the Y, whatever gets us moving). One thing I have been trying to get the courage to do is learn to skate. Once winter hits, we try to go skating on Fridays at our local roller rink. In the past, I've always sat and watched because I don't know how to skate, but lately all I think is how much time I'm wasting sitting there when I could be burning some calories. I just have to get up enough courage to learn to skate in public. :s
  • misterdale67
    misterdale67 Posts: 171 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I don't get that 'diet break' thing.

    I was thinking the exact same thing!