Exercising at home?



  • JeanMBK
    JeanMBK Posts: 728 Member
    I'm going to have to check out this fitness blender that has been mentioned. Thanks!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited November 2015
    I run, and do yoga from home
    I also do aerial yoga/sling at home sometimes, though the studio is better for that
  • H34v3nlySinsx3
    H34v3nlySinsx3 Posts: 65 Member
    I started with T-25 which worked our every part of my body! I also did the 30 day challenges! Good luck to you!!
  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    I have been using "You are your own gym" with great success. I never knew it was possible for me to have muscle at all, I have built a lot of muscle (for me) on this program. I like that it is easy to make it easier/harder so progressing is always possible.
  • angelxsss
    angelxsss Posts: 2,402 Member
    I really like the pop pilates/blogilates videos on youtube. There's also a website, blogilates.com, where you can get free monthly calendars with workout plans and all the links to the videos included on the calendar. It's a really good mix of strength and cardio, and all you really need is a yoga mat!
  • rhianna818
    rhianna818 Posts: 85 Member
    I do these videos that I found on youtube. Her name is Cece and she does plus size fitness. I love her videos bc they are a lot easier for beginners and people starting off. https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLihmliaKNNcfEcK1HOUIKEU_yQUR5xyse
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited November 2015
    rhianna818 wrote: »
    I do these videos that I found on youtube. Her name is Cece and she does plus size fitness. I love her videos bc they are a lot easier for beginners and people starting off. www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLihmliaKNNcfEcK1HOUIKEU_yQUR5xyse

    Debra Mazda, Debby Mack, Megan Garcia, and Lynne Robinson have plus size DVDs. You might find some YouTube offerings.
  • rhianna818
    rhianna818 Posts: 85 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    rhianna818 wrote: »
    I do these videos that I found on youtube. Her name is Cece and she does plus size fitness. I love her videos bc they are a lot easier for beginners and people starting off. www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLihmliaKNNcfEcK1HOUIKEU_yQUR5xyse

    Debra Mazda, Debby Mack, Megan Garcia, and Lynne Robinson have plus size DVDs. You might find some YouTube offerings.

    Awesome! Thank you!!
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    I personally am in the beginner stages of working out, so I walk 1-2 miles (depending on how much time I have) daily, and found this beginner schedule of workouts on Pinterest that I follow! I go through the set 3x M-F, and then on the weekends I try to do Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. But I make sure to at a minimum get in my walk! Down 16 lbs so far! :)
  • eliseinak
    eliseinak Posts: 9 Member
    I like Jillian Michael's style and workouts. I did her 30 Day Shred before and now I'm working my way through a 90 day program called Body Revolution. It's 30 minutes a day, six days a week, and there's enough variation that I can stick with the hard things and I don't get injured.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I use Sworkit and Runtastic (doing the 6 Pack Abs & Leg Training). I tend to lean towards bodyweight workouts. I figure that way I can always do them - no excuses.