stressed out!

I have been faithfully logging my food and exercise for 34 days straight. I have lost 20 pounds already. Now I have come down with the crud. My husband and sister in law have it too. We all live together with my big dachshund Milo, who is great health.

The problem is I am too sick to swim at the gym, I feel crappy, all I want to do is nothing but rest and eat chicken soup more than the portion allotted. Hot tea is another thing that I can't seem to get enough of. I went into negative calories today with some other poor food choices and I am depressed about that as well. I been told that it takes at least 3 weeks to get over this stuff and I am worried I will lose my momentum.

My eyes are sore, so is my nose from wiping it , and it drips constantly. I need lots of rest and prayers. I can handle resting. Would some of my fellow pals who pray ask the Lord to help me through this? I definitely need some strength and encouragement.

Thanks for reading my blog.