All about you?

CharlotteALC93 Posts: 47 Member
edited November 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey! So I've used MFP before but this is a new account for me to start completely afresh and I've never been involved in the community side of things before so I thought I'd start a post to find out about people, maybe make some friends. It's always interesting finding out about people anyway!

So my name is Charlotte, I'm 22 years old, I have a start of Feb birthday so I'm an Aquarius. I live in the Midlands in the UK but I love going places, I visit Devon all the time, been to Scotland a few times, I'm always up for a trip somewhere. I have a son who is 2, he'll be 3 in Feb too, and ever since I've had him I've just kept putting weight on, probably because I'm a stay at home mum so it's easy for me to just nip into the kitchen at any time lol. I'm aiming to lose 67lbs, 9 of those are gone already. I find it hard to carry on when results aren't happening quickly, but I really need to do this, no matter how long it takes. I love all things about planets, stars, you can often find me in a field on a blanket with a hot chocolate stargazing with my boyfriend. I love baking too, but that's no good when I'm left with yummy goodies everywhere! I'm starting to love cooking proper meals as well, throwing things together, making it look pretty. I think my best dish is homemade lasagne. Oh and I love make up and hair, nails, clothes, all that girly stuff. My favourite colours are purple and lime green. My favourite meals are pasta bake and roast dinner, yummy. I wouldn't be able to choose a favourite dessert though, I love all things sweet and chocolatey! I just love looking after my little family. At weekends we're always doing something or other, going to farms, theme parks, picnics, it's always an adventure. I can't wait to have more children but I really want to get myself in shape first. My first pregnancy went really well, and I was a healthy weight, so I'd prefer to be that way again!

So that's way more boring info about me that you didn't need to know, but maybe you're similar to me, wanna be friends and add me, or whatever. But now it's your turn, tell me and everyone else all about YOU! (: x