Sober November



  • purpledoll173
    purpledoll173 Posts: 34 Member
    Lol I can't

    You can't what?
  • lhermo
    lhermo Posts: 23 Member
    Hey all! I hope your sober weekends go well! Feel free to post here if you find yourself needing some extra motivation. :)
  • Mussronkey
    Mussronkey Posts: 28 Member
    Challenge accepted. Now if I can stay sober AND not binge eat on T-Day I'll have a solid month! Away with you pumpkin pie. No extra stuffing Grandma. Uncle Carl is annoying I need a drink. Hmmm... this is going to be tougher than I thought.
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    For me easier to eat to my macros when I don't drink alcohol -- and for me easier not to drink at all that worry about how much to drink. The benefit -- I feel so much better physically!
  • lhermo
    lhermo Posts: 23 Member
    Hey! Hope you all got through the weekend okay! We're now more than halfway through Sober November! :)
  • dagost17
    dagost17 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm coming in late but better late than never! I stopped drinking for about a year and a half and dropped some weight without even trying. Now that I've started drinking again, I can see my body isn't as nice as it was when I didn't drink :( So I've stopped drinking and getting back on the wagon! We can do this! Only two more weeks to go!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I've gotten through the month so far with just a taste sip of beer that I wanted to try. I've been tempted a few times but managed to not drink. I've bought sparkling juice, some really fancy bottles, for the big Thanksgiving dinner we're having but there will be lots of alcohol as well. Sigh. One thing that's made it easier is that our young daughter in law can't drink so not drinking at family dinners helps to support her. That's a big motivator for me. A real treat drink for me is Diet Coke as I don't have it very often. That may be my Thanksgiving lifesaver since I don't like juice.
  • lhermo
    lhermo Posts: 23 Member
    Well, the stress of yesterday got to me and I broke down and had wine. It's amazing how much worse I slept and how much more tired I am today because of it. Although I did have a slip, I think reminding myself of how exhausted I was today and how much worse I felt than my new normal will help me stay strong for the rest of the month

    Hope y'all are doing well!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Had a big banquet last week. Open bar. Somehow my hand latched onto a glass of white wine almost before I knew it. I nursed that one glass for the next 2 1/2 hours. So, I did stay sober but had a glass. There have been very few times in the past 20 years that I can say I had a single glass of wine at a party or at dinner even.