Low Self Esteem

Lately I have noticed myself feeling more down than usual. I have been through a lot in the past 3 months and some things happened that resulted in me having low self esteem. I was wondering if anyone has some advice on this topic or if others felt this way and what you do to cope or feel better. Anything helps thank you.


  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Do something that helps you feel good about yourself. Maybe do some volunteering or take a class and develop a new skill. We all have times when we feel down and sad. Depression could be as simple as lack of sunlight and fresh air. This time of the year that is pretty common in the norther hemisphere. I just invested in a full spectrum light to sit under for a while every day to help with the severe seasonal depression I get every January.

    For me what helps me to feel good are,

    A really good night of training at the dojo
    A long trail ride on my horse.
    Going to the botanical garden (my city has a wonderful indoor garden that really helps me with winter blues so I have a membership and go quite often.)
    Enjoying a quiet night at home in the jacuzzi with a book.
    Going to one of the local parks or museums and just taking my time enjoying it.
    Long deep conversations with one of my close friends.

    You have to find things that just make you feel good and do them even if you have to force yourself to go at first.

  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I keep to a workout schedule when I'm depressed. Even if I just park my car farther from the grocery store, the extra steps that i chose to take, help me feel like I accomplished something. It makes me feel better about myself. Another thing I do is to not leave a room in my house without cleaning up one item. That could be putting away a plate or throwing out a piece of paper. I just do one thing- on purpose.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Exercise (find something you like, maybe individual, maybe group/team) helps me as much mentally as physically.
  • bekkadillon
    bekkadillon Posts: 200 Member
    As silly as this sounds, look yourself in the mirror EVERY DAY and say something positive TO yourself ABOUT yourself. I used to have the hardest time looking at myself in the mirror and this simple exercise helped me immensely. Good luck and if you can't shake it, professional help is never a thing to be ashamed of either.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I also try to remember every day to think of one thing I'm greatful for. That is very healing and we're all often so busy we forget the forest for the trees.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Agree with above that doing something that makes you feel good about yourself, accomplishing some task or working towards achieving a goal, volunteering, immersing yourself in a hobby/activity you care about, taking time to shoot the breeze with people who are a reminder to you that you are liked and that your company is enjoyed by others, are all very helpful for authentic self-esteem.

    The activity I most naturally gravitate towards when I'm in a funk or a mood is cleaning. It's accessible as in there is always some thing or some space that I can clean right this minute, and even accomplishing a small cleaning task improves my mood as it's something tangible that I can admire my work long after I'm finished with the task.

  • noraron
    noraron Posts: 31 Member
    Great advice above. I think it can also be helpful to talk about how you're feeling with your friends/family, or even just write it down. Sometimes just expressing the bad stuff can help expel it!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited November 2015
    Unless you live in the southern hemisphere, the days are getting shorter, and, on top of personal stress, you could be light deprived. I try to get outside for short walks during the day, to help with the SAD. Even five minutes at a time is enough to help. (Yes, I'm having the same thing, i.e. feeling down and doing things to counteract it).
  • NaimaTJama
    NaimaTJama Posts: 4 Member
    Lately I have noticed myself feeling more down than usual. I have been through a lot in the past 3 months and some things happened that resulted in me having low self esteem. I was wondering if anyone has some advice on this topic or if others felt this way and what you do to cope or feel better. Anything helps thank you. [/quote

    It's normal if feel low when you've been through a tough situation. But you can take control of how you feel. Mediate. Tell yourself this just a little phase and there will be times where you feel low. Life is unpredictable. But keep on reminding yourself that you are able to over come and get stronger when and if this feeling strikes again. Don't let the environment influence your feelings.

  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    There was a Canadian study out yesterday that sang the praises of internet based cognitive based therapy. I'm downloading an app right now to check it out. BUT, I seem to remember reading a study that says exercise boosts mood more effectively than CBT, so keep the exercise front and centre. I like the other advice you've been here given too.
  • akumal987
    akumal987 Posts: 9 Member
    I have noticed in the past week or so that I have been in a major funk. I realized, it is probably because I haven't exercised. I was exercising 3-4x a week, then I just sorta stopped (not intentionally, but I didn't make the time for it) and now its biting me in the butt. Time for me to get back on the exercise wagon.

    I agree with the other posters-- find something you like to do and even when it seems like you don't want to do it, make yourself. (I should actually listen to this myself!!!!). It will help you feel better (or it does for me).