Thoughts and Feelings after falling off the wagon for a week or so



  • constancenj
    constancenj Posts: 26 Member
    After a week of starting my grandma died and I ate like total crap and didn't exercise up til the funeral yesterday.... so I'm back to day 1 again today. I feel your pain... I could've been a few pounds lighter. Instead I probably gained a few back.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    In order to be successful at weight loss you have to make a lifestyle change and that requires changing your mindset. First of all, I think "falling off the wagon" is a phrase we need to stop using. It infers that you've failed. NO, OP you haven't. As @tomatoey said, choosing good grades on your exam over one week of over eating was a SMART choice! Your degree will get you where you want to be in your life and career, hopefully. Making healthy food choices is a life-long learning experience. You're doing great - stick with it!