It's cold, and I want to eat everything

Anyone else have this problem? I don't know if its all in my head, but since the cold weather hit (I'm in Australia), I am so hungry. I'm on 1800 cals so it's a decent amount of food. Does anyone have suggestions for filling cold weather type snacks/meals?


  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    Make sure you incorporate enough protein in your diet as it keeps you full for a longer time.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Soups are your friend! They are warming, and if you make them right, very low cal so you can eat them every time the cold-hungries hit.
  • kit_rose
    kit_rose Posts: 8 Member
  • ajball90
    ajball90 Posts: 211 Member
    Ahh this is me exactly!!! (Im in Australia also)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I live in England so I'm used to cold weather!

    Have something warm and filling for breakfast, like porridge or eggs.

    I like to make casseroles in the winter, just chuck chicken, loads of veg, and stock in a big pot and then it lasts for days. Same for soups.

    I also drink lots of tea and coffee.
  • I felt the same way today in New Zealand. I had a cup of tomato soup which warmed me up. Don't think the butter toast that I ate helped me to much with my weight loss ....
  • kyrannosaurus
    kyrannosaurus Posts: 350 Member
    I'm freezing my bum off in Melbourne at the moment. Veg soup is my go to low calorie, warm and filling meal. I find it very comforting in winter - I eat so much of it. I also drink a lot of hot tea and that helps. You can also buy those low cal Jarrah hot chocolates in the supermarket at about 50 cals a pop.

    Although the most important thing to remember is that you are not hungry, you are cold. Eating is not going to help. Hug a hot water bottle, have a hot shower - just do something that will actually warm you up instead of eating those feelings. Stay warm :)
  • Leahsz
    Leahsz Posts: 81
    Make sure you incorporate enough protein in your diet as it keeps you full for a longer time.

    True. I think part of the problem is the cold makes me want carbs, and it doesn't fill you up.
  • Leahsz
    Leahsz Posts: 81
    I felt the same way today in New Zealand. I had a cup of tomato soup which warmed me up. Don't think the butter toast that I ate helped me to much with my weight loss ....

    Hellooooo Beyonce. I'm with you on the buttered toast - yum.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I like to sip on a cup of hot chocolate. The milk is filling, and if you drink it slowly, it can keep you sated for a while.
  • Leahsz
    Leahsz Posts: 81

    Although the most important thing to remember is that you are not hungry, you are cold. Eating is not going to help. Hug a hot water bottle, have a hot shower - just do something that will actually warm you up instead of eating those feelings. Stay warm :)

    Great advice. Can I just say I think Melbourne does winter so much better than here in Sydney. We just pretend it doesn't really get cold and freeze for 3 months.
  • Leahsz
    Leahsz Posts: 81
    I live in England so I'm used to cold weather!

    I don't know how I'd cope with real cold weather. I'd want to hibernate!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I'm the same!! Adelaide here...We get pretty cold too.

    Herbal tea (I should take this advice instead of having too many coffee's)

    Home made soups. Yum!

    Roasted vegies.
  • billmac
    billmac Posts: 51 Member
    This will not be helpful but it may help you not throw all the toys out of the cot. Make of it what you will. About 20 years ago i was going to a very smart doctor/naturopath who was way ahead of his time re diet etc. He reckoned it was a waste of time trying to lose weight through the winter as our bodies are designed, through evolution, to grab every bit of weight possible to survive through winter. He was dead right about everything else so I reckon he might be right about this as well.
    Personally i'm still working on it but it sure is difficult sometimes.
  • billmac
    billmac Posts: 51 Member
    Re nicolee's post...that doctor was very BIG on roasted veges!!!
  • DonnaW_78
    DonnaW_78 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm freezing my *kitten* off in Sydney at the moment but I've found woollies 99% fat free hot chocolate sachets that you mix with hot water - delish :) Oh, and the 30 day squat challenge! Do 180 squats & you'll be warm!
  • hmoffatt
    hmoffatt Posts: 51
    Feeling it in Melbourne too. Protein warms you up (takes more energy to digest than carbs, as I understand it). More suggestions here -
  • Been quite chilly down here in Geelong!!
    A cooked breakie...doesn't take long: baked beans, poached eggs.
    Soups are great this time of year. Homemade or Woolworths have a great range of "Skinny Soups". The Indian Dhal and Mexican Blackbean are my favs and my go to lunches for work if I haven't made any.
    A good strong Chai tea with a touch of honey does the trick as well.
    Chobani yoghurt (MFP friends put me onto this), filling and delicious.
  • CeddysMum
    CeddysMum Posts: 101 Member
    Although the most important thing to remember is that you are not hungry, you are cold. Eating is not going to help. Hug a hot water bottle, have a hot shower - just do something that will actually warm you up instead of eating those feelings. Stay warm :)

    ^^^ This!
    I'm in Melbourne too and have been so hungry this past Cold week (combined with TOM it's a killer :/) Glad to see it's not just my imagination!
  • Puffingmuffin
    Puffingmuffin Posts: 76 Member
    I'm cold in Sydney too. But I find eating lots of protein really keeps me full :) and also I drink a lot of tea (green and chamomile) and Metamucil.