Be Cosistent & Persistent is my New Motto!

Hey out there in the MFP World! I spent six months losing 24 lbs and then gained 20 of it back in two crazy but decided to jump back in yesterday to some clean eating and tracking everyday on MFP...I feel a little better after just one day of being in control.I need to lose about 75 pounds...will be 55 this month...been trying to do this for the past 20 years! tired of carrying around this weight! I feel like it is now or never.I just cant give up...would be nice to have a few serious friends on here.My husband is on here but never has been active participant.I have always been afraid to introduce here goes..retired teacher with the desire to be consistent in eating healthy and getting into some more fashionable clothes AND prevent diabetes which runs in my family! I like to fish, garden, can veggies, and plan to start doing some slow chilling out kayaking! Time to get this weight off!
