Need help with eating habits



  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Yeah I probably could do one pound a week it just sucks because I'm one of those people that's really impatient with it and wants to lose it faster-I know that's a bad and losing weight isn't something you should try and rush. Just kind of a hard habit to break

    I'm 5'2" and found that when I changed from 2 to 1 to 0.5 pounds weight loss a month in the MFP calculator it didn't change my calories, they stayed at 1200. I think since they wouldn't let me go below 1200, that was the lowest number I got. My weight loss has been 3 pounds a month for 4 months and I started at 142. Just be patient, as this is a life style change you're trying to implement. If its "just" a diet, you'll probably gain it back, and then some (like many of us on here have already done).

  • katie1318
    katie1318 Posts: 59 Member
    Try to enjoy the process if at all possible; it'll make you more willing to work towards your goals slow and steadily, and be more sustainable. I learned to enjoy the process by looking up healthy and delicious recipes, experimenting with food, and setting (and attaining) goals for my workouts.
    Seriously, cooking can be so enjoyable. For me, it's become an addiction, and I think you could enjoy it too.
    I love to spend a Sunday evening with some soft jazz playing in the background, salmon and veggies roasting in the oven, and lightly seasoned quinoa on the stove. So delicious and relaxing! I also tend to eat with someone (mom, friend, etc.) on those Sundays to make it even more enjoyable.
    Hope this helps :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Consistently losing 1 lb/week ends up being faster than aiming for 2 lbs and then getting frustrated or binging.

    Nothing wrong with a 2 lb goal for many, but at 5'1 and 149, 1 lb is probably more realistic.

    For food, home cooking is often the way to get more food for less calories, especially if you like stuff like pasta (which usually has tons of extra fat and calories in a restaurant -- nothing wrong with fat, but the calories add up and you can get the flavor and other benefits without as much usually).

    Pasta is one of the easiest foods to make at home, and one of the first meals I started making regularly. Especially if you like the toppings/sauce as much as the pasta or more (I do), then it can be super healthy, too, and reasonably low cal. I measure out a serving size of pasta, and then make my own sauce. You can do the traditional tomato-based meat sauce quite easily using lean ground beef and add in lots of vegetables too almost without noticing them. Or do something simple like sauteeing some vegetables in olive oil, add some meat (shrimp works really well or chicken or whatever), mix it in with the pasta. Add a bit of cheese but not a whole lot. Basically, play around with foods and flavors you like and maybe try to mix in some vegetables along with them.

  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Consistently losing 1 lb/week ends up being faster than aiming for 2 lbs and then getting frustrated or binging.

    That's a good point, and really something I've never really considered before in all the time I've been here. I'm going to steal that bit of advice for future use!
  • vaguelyvegan
    vaguelyvegan Posts: 45 Member
    wonko221 wrote: »
    The hard truth is "doing what you want" isn't what's called for, to lose weight. Most of the folks here, me included, became overweight by mindlessly following our appetites.

    If you want to be successful in the long run, don't simply set a calorie goal and force yourself to stick to it. Instead, cultivate your tastes. Learn about ways to enjoy preparing foods, or finding foods, that are filling and satisfying but are not calorie rich.


    You're very young and in that stage of life when people do tend to eat a lot of junk food and put on weight. The fact is, you can't feed your body properly without building a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. There's no substitute for this. You can lose weight by cutting calories, of course, but if all you eat is snack foods and pasta, your body is not going to get what it needs.

    Remember that food is meant to nourish you. Every single thing you eat is not going to be your favorite thing, but if you work at it and keep an open mind, you CAN learn to love the foods that are good for you. And that's at least as important to your long-term health as maintaining a healthy weight.

    I'd start with healthy pasta sauces, like butternut squash sauce or puttanesca. You might also try soups and stews, which are easy to prepare and customize. Try, try, try to find ways to love your veggies!
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    even though you say you don't like vegetables, there are ways to incorporate them into food (shredding them into muffins and cakes, for example) so that you get them and don't really taste them. also, try different ways of making them. steaming broccoli isn't going to taste the same as stir frying it or grilling it with beef on the grill. experiment.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I'm 5'1 and I'm 149 pounds.
    I wanna lose the 20 by like February-March

    That's 4 months away. You want to lose 5 lbs per month. That might be a *tad* fast, but doable. The math is simple: on average consume about 600 calories less per day than you expend via your lifestyle and exercise. No need to cut carbs, no need to go to the gym in particular. If you burn 2200 calories via your lifestyle, sleeping, walking to class, going to the gym (just as an example)... and you consume an ACCURATE 600 calories less every day on average (accurate meaning measure the things you eat on a digital scale), you will likely be quite close to your goal by March.

    The tricky part is as you lose weight, you burn fewer calories each day doing the same thing. You don't have to kill yourself at the gym. Even walking burns calories.

    I like this calculator to estimate things. Once you put in the basic info, you can tweak it all in the advanced mode.

    Click on expert mode, then go to the "lifestyle" tab, click change 2 "off", change the start day for change 1 to day "1" and then experiment with different calories.
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    edited November 2015
    WBB55 wrote: »
    I like this calculator to estimate things. Once you put in the basic info, you can tweak it all in the advanced mode.
    For as complicated as this calculator is, it doesn't look like it lists BMR. So I popped over to the Scooby Calculator (which is the one I've used successfully) and it gives OP a BMR of around 1500 calories. So does this one. Even the MFP calculator is almost 1400.

    OP is eating 1200. Or less.

    I put that I wanted to 2 pounds a week. And I've been trying to stay under my calorie goal but most of the stuff I eat is high in calories so it racks up really fast. I wanna be able to stay under my calorie goal without having to basically starve myself.
    jemhh wrote: »
    You're not supposed to stay under your calorie goal. You are supposed to eat at your calorie goal, on average. Staying under indicates that you are averaging under it.

    OP I know you came here to ask about food, but if you have your calories set to 1200 and you are eating below that you really need to be eating more. If you feel like you are starving yourself its because at this rate you are.

    Please please reevaluate.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    ...[snip] OP I know you came here to ask about food, but if you have your calories set to 1200

    She has cheat days. She's averaging more than 1200 per day.
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    ...[snip] OP I know you came here to ask about food, but if you have your calories set to 1200

    She has cheat days. She's averaging more than 1200 per day.

    That doesn't matter. Goals should be both reasonable & healthy.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I would set your goal for 1 lb a week, maybe even .5 lb. If your goal date is Feb/March, no reason to try and do it in half the time! You should still be able to hit your goal by March at 1lb/week, and you will be able to eat more and not starve! Make sure to eat back some of your exercise calories!

    As far as pasta goes, make up a batch, weigh it into individual portions, and box it up! I have a weeks worth of penne pasta with Bolognese up in my freezer, just pop it in the microwave and I'm good to go :) And you will save some money by not eating out! Like ElleMarieRose said, learn to like your veggies! Are there ones you have never tried? I admit, there are some that I cannot stand (ahem, Brussels sprouts, ahem), but there are many that I LOOOOOVE. And the freezer section is a great place to load up on veggies. The steamer bags are great. Just microwave, season, and eat :)

    More Brussels sprouts for me then!! But seriously, have you tried roasting them? With a generous pinch of salt and pepper, they're so delicious!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    WBB55 wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    ...[snip] OP I know you came here to ask about food, but if you have your calories set to 1200

    She has cheat days. She's averaging more than 1200 per day.

    That doesn't matter. Goals should be both reasonable & healthy.

    At 5'1, I wouldn't think 1200 is unreasonable. What do you suggest for her?

    Also, I might have been confusing her with another thread when I said she had cheat days, though. So I apologize for that.
  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    edited November 2015
    krithsai wrote: »
    I would set your goal for 1 lb a week, maybe even .5 lb. If your goal date is Feb/March, no reason to try and do it in half the time! You should still be able to hit your goal by March at 1lb/week, and you will be able to eat more and not starve! Make sure to eat back some of your exercise calories!

    As far as pasta goes, make up a batch, weigh it into individual portions, and box it up! I have a weeks worth of penne pasta with Bolognese up in my freezer, just pop it in the microwave and I'm good to go :) And you will save some money by not eating out! Like ElleMarieRose said, learn to like your veggies! Are there ones you have never tried? I admit, there are some that I cannot stand (ahem, Brussels sprouts, ahem), but there are many that I LOOOOOVE. And the freezer section is a great place to load up on veggies. The steamer bags are great. Just microwave, season, and eat :)

    More Brussels sprouts for me then!! But seriously, have you tried roasting them? With a generous pinch of salt and pepper, they're so delicious!

    Yes, tried that. A friend told me to grill them. I am going to try that next :) I don't want to give up on them, because they can be pretty inexpensive! Haha. And I'm always so intrigued when I see them at a farmer's market still on the branch/stem/stalk.
  • pegastarlight
    pegastarlight Posts: 26 Member
    Are there any soups you like? They are typically lower in calorie as meals, even ones with less healthy ingredients, due to the amount of added water content. It's a good way to fill you up for less calories. As for pasta, I like to use a spiralizer to make noodles out of a zucchini. And I find zucchini goes really well with the spicy marinara I make. It can cut quite a bit of calories out of homemade pasta dishes. I personally do it so I can have an extra glass of wine.
  • Rosyone
    Rosyone Posts: 74 Member
    I cannot stand (ahem, Brussels sprouts, ahem)...

    Don't like miniature boiled cabbages? Try cutting them in half, then saute cut edge down in olive oil 'til brown, then finish in a hot oven. Season with basil and sea salt and a splash or 2 of red wine vinegar (or balsamic if you like it. I don't) . Serve with garlic bread and maybe something like chicken parmesan for your protein.

    Or you could just roast them. I have issues with some veggies prepared by certain methods. I don't like soft and bland, but I love some good savory texture.
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    WBB55 wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    ...[snip] OP I know you came here to ask about food, but if you have your calories set to 1200

    She has cheat days. She's averaging more than 1200 per day.

    That doesn't matter. Goals should be both reasonable & healthy.

    At 5'1, I wouldn't think 1200 is unreasonable. What do you suggest for her?

    Also, I might have been confusing her with another thread when I said she had cheat days, though. So I apologize for that.

    Well it's hard not to cheat on 1200.

    MFP has her BMR on the low side at 1400. And my point was that 1200 is already below that. Plus she's trying to stay under 1200. Besides the fact that that's not healthy she said she felt like she was starving herself. You won't stick to a plan you're miserable on.

    Even mostly sedentary I think OPs TDEE was around 1800. (I don't have the numbers in front of me anymore.) But she said she goes to the gym so she would likely need even more than that, probably 2000. That minus 600 like you suggested would still put her at 1400. I still think that's a little aggressive with only 20 lbs to lose, especially when the other calculators had the BMR at 1500. So I would recommend closer to 1600 calories a day, that's still a fair deficit, but it ends up being like an entire extra meal. That's way better than feeling like you have to starve yourself.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Slightly off topic, sorry.
    Brussel sprouts: cut in half unless tiny, par boil, then sauté with bacon and orange segments and zest. Make sure the edges are nice and brown and crispy.
    Delicious, but then I love Brussel Sprouts.

    Cheers, h.
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    You can have one meal a day of that kind of stuff on 1200 calories. But then the other meals will need to be very low-cal.

    Do you like yogurt? Maybe soups for lunches?

    If you scrimp on the other meals, then you can have the high-cal stuff at a meal and still make your goal.

  • xxHaley2013xx
    xxHaley2013xx Posts: 13 Member
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    WBB55 wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    ...[snip] OP I know you came here to ask about food, but if you have your calories set to 1200

    She has cheat days. She's averaging more than 1200 per day.

    That doesn't matter. Goals should be both reasonable & healthy.

    I do eat the around the whole 1200, I just worded it weird I guess. I don't starve myself don't worry
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    WBB55 wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    ...[snip] OP I know you came here to ask about food, but if you have your calories set to 1200

    She has cheat days. She's averaging more than 1200 per day.

    That doesn't matter. Goals should be both reasonable & healthy.

    I do eat the around the whole 1200, I just worded it weird I guess. I don't starve myself don't worry

    I still think you could (and should) be eating more.

    I don't want you to think I'm attacking you. I did the same thing when I first signed up for MFP. I had a few 'vanity' pounds to lose and I set my goals to 2 lbs a week because I wanted them gone as quickly as possible, and it set me to 1200 calories. Sure I lost some weight, but I was miserable doing so and finally quit. And gained what I had lost right back.

    The second time around I started reading the message boards more. I saw people talking about things like BMR & TDEE, and when I finally started looking into these things, I came to a hallelujah moment when I realized I could eat more and didn't have to be tired and hungry all the time.

    But when you set up your goals MFP doesn't tell you these things!
    This is a very helpful post. So are the rest of these.

    Take my advice with a grain of salt. But I think if you fuel your body and use that energy to kick *kitten* at the gym (add in strength training if you don't already!) you'll be a lot happier come Feb/March than you would be if you keep spinning your wheels like this.