Desire to keep eating :(



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I vary how I eat. When I'm hungrier, I eat more. When less hungry, I eat less. There isn't anything wrong with being hungry, sometimes, when you're losing weight. It's just not something I particularly enjoy, so I eat to my hunger. It works for me. :)
  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    The week before TOM I am starving. The only thing that seems to help is to eat lots. So I have been trying to eat lots of veggies, I don't think it is that I need more calories so much as my mind just freaking wants to eat! so loads of something low calorie has worked for me. On the other hand if I think, oh a handful of chips and I will be fine, I eat the whole flipping bag and want another.
  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    Oh I don't eat back my exercise calories either, and I am only ever hungry that one week.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    ZBennyXOXO wrote: »
    I went back to my food diary, ive been eating little LITTLE protein. Really odd, I thought I was eating so much.
    Time to work on that! Thank you everyone who mentioned that! I cant believe I didnt notice that :(!

    Good luck! More protein has worked wonders for me.
  • ZeXea
    ZeXea Posts: 168 Member
    The week before TOM I am starving. The only thing that seems to help is to eat lots. So I have been trying to eat lots of veggies, I don't think it is that I need more calories so much as my mind just freaking wants to eat! so loads of something low calorie has worked for me. On the other hand if I think, oh a handful of chips and I will be fine, I eat the whole flipping bag and want another.
    This is meeee!!!! To a T! I bought a bunch of veggies to stuff in my soup today as well as lots of delicious food for a salad. Including on sale grilled chicken breast sliced and diced! So excited right now :)
  • ZeXea
    ZeXea Posts: 168 Member
    Oh I don't eat back my exercise calories either, and I am only ever hungry that one week.

    Same! Normally I'm fine not eating it back, it doesn't bother me. :)!
  • hapa11
    hapa11 Posts: 182 Member
    I give myself permission every day to eat at maintenance if the day proves to be a "hungry" one. Usually just knowing I can up my calories if I want keeps me motivated to eat at deficit.