Breakfast Portion Distortion Nightmare



  • elvensnow
    elvensnow Posts: 154 Member
    Good thing you got the scale going before asking here for advice. Because 8/10 answers would be "you need to eat more".

    I know this is sarcasm/snobbery, but while this may be true, they only say "eat more" on the underlying assumption that you are accurately tracking your food. Stupid to have to say "eat more calories but only if you're actually eating the calories you claim to be eating"

    Anyway, OP you raise an interesting point. Often times though it is impossible to measure. Like eating out or things of that nature, and I just have to estimate and hope I'm right. It's hard with things like fresh fruit or vegetables too (was my apple medium or large?) One meal it may not matter but over time?

    I usually weigh once or twice so I can see what the amount looks like in my dish, and then always use the same dish. If I change dishes I'd re-weigh. I'm usually good at eyeballing it after that.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    I've got a set of measuring cups hanging on the fridge because I've got no eye for guessing pasta portions, etc.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    I weighed and measured closely for awhile until I felt confident enough to eyeball things well and based on my rate of loss I think I'm doing pretty well.

    BUT I still always carefully weigh cheese and measure alcohol/wine - these are my weaknesses and being a little bit off comes to a lot of calories so I don't give myself any wiggle room here.