Vegetarians and Vegans: How do you reach your Daily Protein Needs



  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Have you tried chick peas, really filling and high in protein and fiber. That's my go to breakfast as I find cereal very hard on my body -too bloated and water retention. I scrambled my CPs in a food processor and sauteed with onions, tomatoes and peppers, or even make smoothie with them - one frozen banana, 40 oz sunflower seed butter, 4 oz carrot juice and 4 oz water add one can thoroughly rinsed chick peas - serves three or enough for two days.

    I gave eating meat/chicken over 25 years ago, so for me personally do not see the need to eat the fake stuff - to each his own. When my body craves something, I may eat some fish (mostly wild salmon or salt water fish - not into fresh water fish) , but find that I can go a long time before reaching this stage.
  • NinjaChinchillaNZ
    NinjaChinchillaNZ Posts: 56 Member
    I used to be the same as far as not liking "mock meats", most of the ones I tried had an unpleasant chemical/artifical taste. Then I tried a few more brands and found a couple that are delicious and boost my protein to where it needs to be. If you have Quorn products or Fry's vegetarian products where you are I highly recommend them. You won't be disappointed. I have also just started using protein powder for smoothies - there's nothing unreal about it if you add berries or other fruit to it for flavour and it helps me feel full until lunch time. I get 18g of my daily 60g of protein just from the powder, I blend it up with soy milk, water, frozen mixed berries and kiwi fruit. Most days I eat 2 large eggs which is another 15g protein, then I can get the rest from veggies, legumes, cheese etc.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member