Injured & Don't want to gain weight

Hey all !

So I was recently in a car accident - I got rear ended and now have soft tissue damage to my back and neck. My question is: how to I keep from gaining weight? I know the obvious is eating healthy but I was hoping I could do some sort of exercise. Any suggestions from anyone who has been through this kind of struggle before?

Thanks !!


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    You'll only gain weight if you eat calories in excess of what your body is burning. Exercise can increase the number of calories you burn, but it isn't required to avoid weight gain. Do you have any idea what your current calorie intake is?
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    As MFP is set up not including exercise, eat at maintenance while you are healing.
    You need the extra calories to help the healing process.

    As your injuries include your neck and back,do nothing until you have your doctor's consent, and a PT to guide you.

    Cheers, h.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Gaining weight is not a problem, but losing muscle is. You can control weight gain by maintaining calorie deficit, but without exercise, muscle loss is pretty much guaranteed.
  • lisan1209
    lisan1209 Posts: 10 Member
    I recently went through a very tough hamstring pull, and as an avid runner, this was super hard for me to deal with. If you can find an easy exercise that does not injure yourself further, do lightly until you feel pain and then stop. Possibly walking or riding a bike? Trust me--if it starts to hurt, stop--it will only make it worse and more prone to re-injury.
    Try to eat as healthy as possible as well. It will be tough with holidays coming up but everything in moderation!
    Good luck, I know how tough it can be mentally and physically!
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    "I got rear ended and now have soft tissue damage to my back and neck." Follow your Doctor's recommendations regarding exercise (any exercise) considering these injuries. Eat at a maintenance caloric level until you've recovered.
  • tmartin19710
    tmartin19710 Posts: 41 Member
    I broke my ankle 3 weeks ago and since I am very early into my new life style I had a lot of anxiety about gaining weight. I weigh the first day of every month , so when I stepped on scale the first of Nov I was really happy to see a 10lb lose. Just make sure you weigh and count everything. 3 more weeks in this boot till next doctor appointment, hoping he will let me go down to a smaller brace and start walking again on treadmill.
  • alicia__nicolle
    alicia__nicolle Posts: 45 Member
    Talked to my physiotherapist and he suggested walking/eliptcal biking/swimming.
    I've fallen a bit off the wagon regarding tracking what I'm eating so I'll get back on that and make sure I'm eating healthy !
    Thanks everyone (:
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I am a runner... training for my first Full Marathon and currently in a boot for 6 weeks with a stress fracture. Mostly, I'm just trying to be careful with my calories. I can still bike so I've been biking as much as I can to maintain my training... I've cautiously continued to go to my lifting class, making modifications where necessary to prevent further damage to my foot. I would talk to a PT... they are usually good about giving you exercises you can do that will help but most of all I think in your case nutrition is key. I hope you have a speedy recovery!