Weight loss during Thanksgiving holiday?



  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    I'll take a long walk at some point in the morning & I will eat (and log) everything. I celebrate the feast days without guilt. Trust me: Thanksgiving is not the reason I've been too heavy! It's those pesky 'regular' days that ganged up on me...

    This! :)

    We are usually pretty active during the day, before the feast. Turkey Trot, Turkey Bowl, and I try to lend a hand in the kitchen. Hopefully that will offset some of the calories I'll be consuming :)
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    I don't like thanksgiving food very much, so I should be good.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    I'm planning on banking some calories, because my MIL will be bringing a couple of dishes, one of which I know she's arranged with me specifically in mind, so I don't want to whip out a scale and ask her for the exact recipe. The rest, though, I will portion stuff I make in advance (discreetly, so no one is weirded out, although I don't think anyone really would be, anyway) and figure I'll have a reasonable estimation of my day. It is just one day, but I also like to remember that (for me) every day matters.

    Overall, I'm already excited about Thanksgiving, because I like preparing the menu and cooking stuff. Last year I had timing really nailed down by making a lot of stuff the day before, so I'll be doing that again, for sure!
  • Optimistical1
    Optimistical1 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm going to continue to fast until 2pm as I do everyday. I will log my food and exercise as usual.

    Other than that, I will NOT be using my food scale on Thanksguvjbg day. I will not be eyeing every single ingredient to make sure there is no evil msg or preservatives lurking in the food ingredients. I will not be freaking out about sugar content or skipping any desserts. I will not drive everyone crazy with my health and fitness rants. Thanksgiving I will let loose, not worry or stress about gaining weight and just enjoy being with friends and family.

    The next day I will pick up exactly where I left off on my fitness journey and pretend like three helpings of stuffing and four different types of pie never happened.
  • Want2bthin135
    Want2bthin135 Posts: 30 Member
    I will count calories. I might go over but I still plan to track what I eat for accountability.

    I will try to eat more turkey and ham and not as much bread, potatoes & dessert items.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    It isn't a big issue for me, but then again I don't have a lot going on as far as mountains of food on holidays. I'll have breakfast, and then the big meal. I load up on turkey breast and veggies, pass on the rolls and cranberries, have a small portion of potato and stuffing, and I'm good. Then I'll have a slice of whatever dessert.

    I'm not worrying about logging accurately. It's one day and I don't plan on going overboard.
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    I try to just be reasonableish the rest of the week and do whatever I want on Thanksgiving. I'm not going to track or stress about it. Sometimes you need to just make a decision and enjoy it. Nothing you do in one meal, one day, or even one week is going to substantially impact your life or your weight in the long run.
  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    I plan to eat a little lighter the rest of the week. Also, my sister in law convinced us all to do a turkey trot that morning, so at least I'll get a run in before we eat!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm actually bummed because I usually have a good workout in the morning but this time I'll have to make some croissants... I guess I can try and run to the gym while they proof...
  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    edited November 2015
    Work out hard the week of and the day of, have fun, day after back to business! lol

    And remember, leave the leftovers that can last a week or two and incorporate it into your lunch and dinners, another good way to enjoy the meal still and watch what you eat. :)
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    I learned a neat trick in WW years ago. Divide plate into 1/3s. Each third is protein, carbs, veg.

    That ensures I do ok.
  • Redbeard333
    Redbeard333 Posts: 381 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    Trust me: Thanksgiving is not the reason I've been too heavy! It's those pesky 'regular' days that ganged up on me...

    Great outlook!!

    I'll likely either eat at an Indian buffet (Thanksgiving-themed), or just make something at home for me and the missus. Probably not go overboard with logging, but do a "1000 cal" meal.

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I learned a neat trick in WW years ago. Divide plate into 1/3s. Each third is protein, carbs, veg.

    That ensures I do ok.
    Aren't the vegetables carbs?

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I learned a neat trick in WW years ago. Divide plate into 1/3s. Each third is protein, carbs, veg.

    That ensures I do ok.
    Aren't the vegetables carbs?

    I can think of many popular Thanksgiving dishes that can't be classified as a single macronutrient. Do I need to be sorting my green bean casserole before eating it?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I learned a neat trick in WW years ago. Divide plate into 1/3s. Each third is protein, carbs, veg.

    That ensures I do ok.
    Aren't the vegetables carbs?

    I can think of many popular Thanksgiving dishes that can't be classified as a single macronutrient. Do I need to be sorting my green bean casserole before eating it?
    I don't make homemade mushroom soup, fresh green beans cooked with salt pork -- how would I separate that? -- beer battered onion strips, and get awesome sharp cheddar just to sort it back out. Three more weeks...
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    I am going to try to eat everything so we have no leftovers. Really not concerned because I will be getting in a long run that day and then weights on Black Friday. So i need the energy. Plus if my wife insists on shopping on Black Friday I will need even more food for energy. It could get ugly.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I learned a neat trick in WW years ago. Divide plate into 1/3s. Each third is protein, carbs, veg.

    That ensures I do ok.
    Aren't the vegetables carbs?
    I learned a neat trick in WW years ago. Divide plate into 1/3s. Each third is protein, carbs, veg.

    That ensures I do ok.
    Aren't the vegetables carbs?

    I can think of many popular Thanksgiving dishes that can't be classified as a single macronutrient. Do I need to be sorting my green bean casserole before eating it?

    Man, are you usually that obtuse?
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    I learned a neat trick in WW years ago. Divide plate into 1/3s. Each third is protein, carbs, veg.

    That ensures I do ok.
    Aren't the vegetables carbs?

    I can think of many popular Thanksgiving dishes that can't be classified as a single macronutrient. Do I need to be sorting my green bean casserole before eating it?
    I don't make homemade mushroom soup, fresh green beans cooked with salt pork -- how would I separate that? -- beer battered onion strips, and get awesome sharp cheddar just to sort it back out. Three more weeks...

    I have a great idea for you. Just don't use my suggestion.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    It's a roast turkey ...a great lean meat

    Just watch what you add to it ...roast carrots alongside the potatoes, have a big vegetable dish that is not heavily oiled or buttered or in sauce

    Save calories in advance, exercise more

    It's part of life - make it work

    Can I just say, I love you?

    This is my plan for basically any social event involving someone else supplying the food (aka I didnt count every grain of rice). I will make sure to get in some good exercise (as I will be trying to do daily regardless of social gatherings), eat light at other meals of the day, and be very careful with my plate. Meat and veggies first, then a serving of stuffing and a roll. Those are the only things I really wouldn't normally eat at a meal (at least not both at the same time), and since thanksgiving is at my family home this year I will probably bring my food scale. They're not going to judge me! And for the past two holidays i was watching my diet and managed not to eat to excess. Im not worried about this year's Thanksgiving at all really!

    The other holidays will be else where (christmas mainly), and thats just going to be planning ahead and sheer will power. Avoiding the cookie trays and never letting myself be uncontrollably hungry when I will be at an event.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I learned a neat trick in WW years ago. Divide plate into 1/3s. Each third is protein, carbs, veg.

    That ensures I do ok.
    Aren't the vegetables carbs?

    I can think of many popular Thanksgiving dishes that can't be classified as a single macronutrient. Do I need to be sorting my green bean casserole before eating it?
    I don't make homemade mushroom soup, fresh green beans cooked with salt pork -- how would I separate that? -- beer battered onion strips, and get awesome sharp cheddar just to sort it back out. Three more weeks...

    I have a great idea for you. Just don't use my suggestion.
    I have a better one for you: notice that I wasn't quoting or replying to you.