Loss of periods

Please help people, I have lost my periods for the last 6 months now and still no sign of them returning!

Background - last August 2012 I started a diet under 1200 cals a day and sometime under a 1000 which I now know is the wrong way but I have lost 88lb in total by February 2013!

I am around the weight I feel happy at give or take a few pound!

I know the docs has told me the lack of periods are due to weight loss and calories in take but since feb I have maintained weight but still no periods :( why do we lose are periods with weight loss?

Doctors have given me very little info or any advice in how they are to return - I want another baby and feel sitting around waiting is not the answer - all advice an info appreciated


  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    Try upping your calories. It took me about 3 weeks to get mine to return. I think I had to add 200-300 calories/day. I had lost mine completely for 3 months, and it was iffy for a month before that (it really wasn't there, but enough that it "counted".) So...yours may take a little longer since you've been six months now. I'm still in the weight loss phase and struggle with not eating enough due to my exercise levels. I actually need to eat even more, but I'm having a hard time with it. But my periods came back. They are still irregular. I haven't had enough time yet to get them regular, plus probably need to eat more still.

    What is your net calorie intake each day? (Or...are those 1000 calories what you ate all day, and then you exercised as well?)
  • jennagoogles13
    I agree with Kathleen. Up your calories intake, and wait to see what happens. You're body is struggling to function on so little calories
  • PhoenixEve
    PhoenixEve Posts: 131 Member
    What is your body fat %? You need enough body fat for your hormones to function properly... if it drops too low, your body cannot create the hormones needed for you to be fertile and have periods. If you stay in that state for too long, it can also lead to bone loss and organ damage over time.

    If you have enough body fat, then it's probably a nutritional deficiency... likely something's missing in your diet. Hormones don't function well if you are deficient in vitamins and minerals... many of which are fat soluble and will not absorb if you're not eating enough fat.

    Or if you're training for long hours and high intensities, that can sometimes stop your period too... especially if you're eating a low calorie diet and not giving it the essential nutrients it needs to fuel your workouts.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Are you eating enough fat?
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    you need to either find a new doctor, or go back to your current doctor and don't leave with out blood tests, a referral to a specialist or at least one or more of his fingers.

    we're talking about your fertility here, and your a woman. he should be cowering under a table waving a white flag made out of his underpants.

    what is your current intake? height / weight ?
  • vabelle86
    vabelle86 Posts: 12 Member
    Look at your bmi. I know its different for all women, some lose their period at 18% others at 14%, I've even heard of some women losing their period at 20%! I understand not wanting to gain any weight back but remember a little fat is OK especially for fertility.
  • Genetic_tea_drinker

    I'm not a doctor, but some wikepedia knowledge maybe helpful.

    You MAY be suffering from Amenorrhea, which can be caused by not eating enough (Anorexia Nervosa) and too much exercize (Athletism). It can also be caused by a variety of other things.

    I suggest you see you doctor/ a different doctor to discuss your symptoms referal to a gynecologist/ family planning clinic especially if you are wanting another baby. Your doctor may not refer you straight away and might do some tests to see if if is anything else.
    Asking people on a forum is a good first step, but really unless anyone here has spent time at medschool and graduated in the specialist field, we're not of much help. Just full of wikipedia suggestions and whats happened to ourself and others in the past

    Eating under 1000calories is dangerous regardless of fertility. You should be eating at least 1200 and more if you are exercizing. Okay, it may not be ideal for loosing weight fast, but in the long run it's better to be a little bigger and healthy than thinner and suffering from health issues
  • Genetic_tea_drinker
    Also consider what the doctors have said.

    They might not have given you a prescription, but if they have given you dietary advise thats better than a prescription. It might also be worth askign to see a dietician if the doctor has said specifically that it is down to your calorie intake.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Dr said its down to not eating enough calories - therefore you are not eating enough calories! (Possibly you are underestimating the amount of exercise you do and/or not eating back enough calories).

    Also, although you are maintaining are you eating GOOD calories - avoid the low fat versions, eat "real" food. As others have said, your body needs more than calories to function, it needs th right vitamins and minerals which could be lacking if you're still on a "diet" rather than eating sensibly.

    And yes, go back to the Dr.:smile: You're a customer and if you're not happy you need more advice.