hi everyone...i need help..

hi all,
i m a 29 yo female, and am in the worst shape of my life ever. I came across myfitnesspal program, and "this is my last hope"!

i started my journey on june17, and my birthday is oct 21st...exact 18 weeks from now...

i wish i can lose 36 pounds in 18 weeks..

my starting weight is 166, and want to be 130 by the time i hit age of 30!!

i hv been struggling with diets/excercise for a long time....but guess...nothing works..or to say..i dont hv the motivation to stick with anything for long :(

i also hv ordered p90x, and plan to use myfitnesspal to monitor my diet along with p90x over next 18 weeks...

this site seems to hv great people supporting and helping each other....

plz help me stay motivated and focused...thanks..and good luck to all! :)


  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I wish you best of luck> I turn 35 in less than 2 weeks & have gained 20 lbs in the last couple years that I've been struggling to lose, too. I know it's a hard road to travel, but you can do it. If you ever need support or encouraging words, just give me a shout :smile: I did it before (lost over 50lbs when I was 27/28) and know that I can do it again. I know you can do it, too:flowerforyou:
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Well this is a good place to be but it's never your last hope. You are on the right track and have a good plan so go get it by the horns girl!!!
  • vmedina21
    vmedina21 Posts: 3
    OMG my birthday is on October 21st too and my goal is 40lbs by my birthday. I bought the slim in 6 since its been years since I worked out. I wish you the best we should motivate each other so we can look our best on our birthdays.
  • spatialdisplacement
    I know the feeling as well. At one point, I lost 75 lbs and then they crept back on and more besides. I am using physical reminders of why I want to lose the weight. What is at stake currently. Like reminding myself of the humiliation it means to be overweight, like needing help to get into a rollercoaster or the continued expense of buying aspirin of my various aches and pains.

    I find that using current issues rather than ones that are out in the future make keeping myself motivated. That and linking my progress up to my facebook page is good, everyone will comment, good or bad. Keeping them on the good side, makes everything about this worthwhile.

    What are your current issues?

    :drinker: COFFEEE!!!
  • xarchie123x
    OMG..this is an amazing place!

    thank you everyone for all your lovely comments....

    vmedina21: can i add u as a friend here? we can keep each other motivated! :) and that being said..i m sorry..but u will have to tell me as to how to add friends as well...am new to this site :p

    spatialdisplacement: my current issue - i dont know why but i feel i have no self-confidence at all anymore....i m always looking for excuses not to go to parties or meet people....and am losing friends in the process :( i just dont like the way i look anymore :(
    it feels like i m hiding in some corner somewhere...wana be seen again!
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I wish you the best of luck. However, don't get upset if you don't lose the weight as fast or in the time period you have given yourself. Don't beat yourself up if have overindulged. Also, make sure you eat things in moderation. What I mean is that you shouldn't give everything you love up, but have it in moderation once in a while. In the past, I have given up lots of foods, only to fall off the wagon and go back to eating unhealthy due to my desire to eat those foods. I found that so long as I have some chocolate here and there and other things I love and no overdo it, I can keep the weight off.

    The other thing is that make sure you get in tune with your body when it comes to eating. Recognize when you are actually hungry. Most people don't realize they are emotional eaters and will say they are hungry, when really, they are just stressed or bored and need to deal with that emotion rather than suppress it with food.

    Best of luck.